1.From the view of the "cross-media" theory,the film narration is no longer pure,strict or traditional,which not only contains but also crosses film-television,that is,comprising a lot of media such as screen images and mobile telephone films(including computer or Internet films) as well as display images.从"跨媒介"的理论视野看,电影叙事已不再是单纯的、严格的、传统的银幕影像叙事,而是包容横跨了电视电影——荧屏影像、手机电影(包括电脑网络电影)——显示屏影像等多种媒体介质的影像叙事。

1.General Exploring the Cross-media Management-Realizing the Cross-media Management on the Base of Developing the Content Industry;跨媒介经营初探—发展内容产业实现跨媒介经营
2.Body Writing:A Cross-media Study of "Song of Youth"身体书写——《青春之歌》的跨媒介研究
3.Cross-Media Operating:Innovation of Media Managemen under the Media Convergence--Taking the Reference of Management Experience of American Media General Groups跨媒介经营:媒介融合下的传媒管理创新——以美国媒介综合集团管理经验为借鉴
4.Xixi s Source of Montage Literary Style;小说蒙太奇文体探源——以西西的跨媒介实验为例
5.On the Media Literacy Education under the Background of Inter-cultural Communication论跨文化传播背景下的媒介素养教育
6.An Analyst about the Political Control in Media Groups Cross-country Business in the Globalization Time;全球化时代媒介跨国经营中的政治控制分析
7.Deconstruction of Feminist Media Criticism in Intercultural Context;在跨文化语境中解构女性主义媒介批评
8.Media Image:the Key Sector of National Image Construction and Communication--From an Interdisciplinary Angle媒介形象:国家形象塑造和传播的关键环节——一种跨学科的综合视角
9.Vicissitudes of Visual Communication in Macromedia Background--A Research on the Relationship between Visual-thinking & Macromedia in Modern Visual-communication Design跨媒体时代的视觉僭越——现代视传设计中“视觉思维”与“传播媒介”关系研究
10.The Research on Inter-industrial, Inter-media and Inter-regional Development of Media in China;我国传媒跨行业、跨媒体、跨区域发展研究
11.medium of exchangeph.1. 交易媒介
12.On Cultural Differences in Multi cultural Enterprises --A Study of the Limits of the Intermediate Language in Translation;论跨文化企业中的文化差异——从翻译所使用的媒介语言的局限性说起
13.The Negative Culture Tendency of the Media and Media Management;大众媒介的消极文化倾向与媒介管理
14.The Invented Media of Art Propagation -- Network Propagation;解读艺术传播的虚拟媒介——网络媒介
15.Computer and Network:Overthrower of Media Geographic Science;更新媒介形态学和媒介地理学的“杰作”
16.The Medium Authority and the Medium Intellectuals’Identity媒介权力与媒介知识分子的身份认同
17.Ways to develop cross-medium-and-region media groups;培育跨地域跨媒体传媒集团的路径选择
18.Developing the Intermedium--Make the Major Medium of China;跨媒体发展——打造中国的强势媒体

cross-country media跨国媒介
3)cross-medium publishing跨媒介出版
1.This article first attempts to discuss the concept of digital publication,then analyzes the deep change in publishing communication and the related industry under the digital condition,thus suggests that the development of digit publishing industry should adopt the cross-medium publishing strategy.近年来,数字出版已成为学界和业界关注和研究的焦点和前沿,然而,数字出版的概念并未真正厘清,首先试图就数字出版的概念界定进行探讨,同时分析数字条件下出版传播及相关产业的深刻变革,从而主张数字出版业的发展应采取跨媒介出版战略。
4)representation of cross-medium跨媒介陈述
5)multinational mass media group跨国媒介集团
6)Cross-media Ownership跨媒介所有权

奥林匹克媒介奖奥林匹克媒介奖(Olympic Media Awards)  奥林匹克媒介奖(Olympie Media Awards)一项对奥运会及其相关内容进行报道的大众传媒奖项。奖项在韩国奥委会的支持下,由汉城奥林匹克纪念会(Seoul OlymPies Memorial Assoeiation)设立,1996年起,每两年颁发一次。各国新闻记者均可选。汉城奥林匹克纪念协会是民间组织,为此成立奥林匹克大众传媒奖委员会(OlymPic Media AwaCom而ttee)具体负责这项工作。对19%年首届获者提供奖金的是三星新闻基金会,为1998年第2提供奖金的是汉城广播公司。每届评选前两年间发的作品均有资格参加评奖。奖项分为3类:印刷作谜广播作品和照片。奖金为3000美元。 奥林匹克大众传媒奖委员会网址:ht印www.esuohio.edu角lymPic一media--awards。针该协从参的ds奖届表缸//