1.Having subverted the ideological mode and emotional stereotype of "stressing return and fearing departure" in traditional Chinese culture,modern Chinese dramatists have come to venerate the western cultural tradition of emphasizing depa.出走和归来是人类两种既相互冲突又紧密联系的基本生存状态和精神要求,也因此成为中外文学重要的原型主题,并在中国现代戏剧中得到了充分显现。
2.Their creative motives are related with writer s departures from the family and from the country.这两类小说创作动机与巴金从"家"出走和从"国"出走有关,都源于当时"国"与"家"二位一体的专制与黑暗。
1.There are different sayings about the reasons of Toistoy s leaving.托尔斯泰离家出走的原因一直众说纷纭。
3)walk out走出

1.He blundered in and out.他踉踉跄跄地走进走出
2."Write to me once you get there."”我望着他走出去。
3.skipping along, past, out, etc蹦蹦跳跳地走去、 走过、 走出
4.Step off your flight into an access Car.走出飞机舷梯,走进路路通(Access)出租车。
5.Justin is walking down the hallway. He sees Tara coming out of the bathroom.(贾斯汀走在走廊,他看见泰拉从洗手间走出来。)
6.Distill from Low-Age,Turn to Martial Arts,Demonstrate Chinese Animation Walk to the World走出低龄,走进武林——试论中国动画走向世界
7.He went off hastily out of the gardengate and down the lane.他匆忙走出花园门,走上小路。
8.The ladies swished in and out.女士们衣裙沙沙地走进走出
9.Going Out of Valley On the Way to Rising --Chinese developing vigorously and perplexing;走出谷地 走向崛起——中国的振兴与困扰
10.I saw him come to grass.我看见他走出矿坑。
11.They worked their way out of the wood.他们拖着疲步走出树林。
12.He went out to walk off his sleepiness.他出去走走以驱赶睡意。
13.march by, past, in, out, off, away, etc走经、 走过、 开进、 出发、 离开、 开走
14.Let's walk about and quiz people.我们出去走走,和人们开开玩笑去吧。
15.They marched in/out/off/away.他们走进来(出发,离开,开走)。
16.You'll have to take it out with you on leave.您走时还要将它带走(带出海关)。
17.If time hung heavy upon me, I could walk it away.如果我实在闲得无聊,我就出去走走。
18.It would be better to go for a walk than stay at home all alone.与其坐在家里发闷, 莫如出去走走。

1.There are different sayings about the reasons of Toistoy s leaving.托尔斯泰离家出走的原因一直众说纷纭。
3)walk out走出
5)going out走出去
1.The thinking of the strategy for state-owned oil enterprises "going out"国有石油企业“走出去”战略思考
2.On coping with international anti-dumping and straegic advantages of "going out"of small and medium enterprises应对国际反倾销与中小企业“走出去”战略优势研究
3.Jiaxing should make good use of the advantages of its regional characteristic economy and carry out the "going out "strategy timely to accomplish fast and sustainable economic development.“走出去”,开展境外投资,这是当代中国经济发展和社会进步中一项具有非常重要意义的战略举措。
6)going abroad走出去
1.The Study of Chinese Construction Enterprises "Going Abroad" Strategy;中国建筑企业“走出去”战略研究
2.Based on the analysis of the necessity for SINOPEC international cooperation, the paper puts forward that "introduction" and "going abroad" are the two basic forms of international cooperation in petroleum exploration and production and their services.在分析中国石化集团进行国际合作必要性的基础上 ,提出“引进来”和“走出去”是石化集团公司石油国际合作应采取的两种基本方式 ,并提出继续加强国内风险勘探和提高采收率的对外合作以及积极稳妥开展国际石油勘探开发合作业务的初步设想。
3.We must seize the opportunity to speed up the "going abroad" pace.我们必须抓住机遇,加快"走出去"步伐。

出走出走running away  出走(r unning away)未成年儿童在没有得到父母许可情况下私自离家出走,长期在外流荡,还可能受人唆使引诱参与犯罪活动。儿童离家出走的原因很多,或是好奇,出于幻想而外出寻求刺激,或是不堪忍受家庭的歧视、虐待,或是由于家庭不和睦,或是受坏人勾引等等。一旦儿童出现出走行为,应仔细寻找儿童出走的原因并加以消除,同时生活上予以亲切关怀,切忌粗暴对待儿童,防止出走再次发生。 (许索涛撰刘协和审)