1.Fragmentation in William Carlos Williams s Poetry;威廉·卡洛斯·威廉斯诗歌的零散化特征——以《佩特森》为例

1.The Metamorphosis--Indication of the Post-moderns Dispersion;《变形记》——后现代人零散化的预示
2.Fragmentation in William Carlos Williams s Poetry;威廉·卡洛斯·威廉斯诗歌的零散化特征——以《佩特森》为例
3.Finding Theoretical Rules from Scattered and Stylized Facts;从零散事实到典型化事实再到规律发现——兼论经济研究的层次划分
4.His books are all over the place.他的书零乱地散置着。
5.Breaking up the whole into parts, assembling the parts into a whole.化整为零,化零为整。
6.X is killed by some non-zero element of A.X被A中某个非零元零化。
7.The Zero Diffusion Limit for Nonlinear Hyperbolic System with Damping and Diffusion;带耗散与扩散的非线性双曲系统的零扩散极限
8.But the scrappy fossil record of early primates- mostly teeth and isolated skeletal bones- left researchers hard put to test these hypotheses.但是,早期灵长类的化石记录(牙齿和零散的骨骼居多)在太少了,让研究人员难以验证这些假说。
9.The police are trying to reconstruct the crime from all the separate pieces of information.警方正试图通过一些零零散散的线索设想出完整的犯罪经过。
10.small farms that were separated one from another By miles of open land.小农场零星地分散在开阔的土地上
11.smattered on about her vacation.零散地介绍她的假期生活
12.At the end the old car was practically falling apart.最后,这辆旧汽车实际上已经要零散了。
13.It was lined on each side by tiny detached houses of red bricks.(道路)两边都是一栋栋零散的小红砖房。
14.Let me get my bits and pieces together.让我把零散的东西收拾一下。
15.emitting or making sporadic spitting or popping sounds.发出或做出零星分散或爆破的声音。
16.Badly battered, the bandits fled in disorder.匪徒被打得七零八落, 四散奔逃。
17.How do we get to the more granular problems?我们如何获得更多的零散的问题呢?
18.Improved Fiber Design and Fabrication of Non-Zero Dispersion-Shifted Fibers非零色散位移光纤的改进设计及制造

fragmentary theme中心零散化
1.the mouse,which was made by Hu Kuan at the beginning of the 80 s of the last century when the modernization of literature was just at its zenith,had got obvious post-modern characteristics of random,fragmentary themes and overthrowing authorities.诗人胡宽的代表作《土拨鼠》在上世纪80年代初,中国现代主义思潮刚刚兴盛之际,已呈现出明显的后现代主义特征,其主要表现在随意性、中心零散化和颠覆权威等方面。
3)the looseness of plot structure结构零散化
4)viscous crude零散
1.The application of technology about watered viscosity reduction on hollow rod pump viscous crude production;泵上掺水降粘工艺在零散稠油开采中的应用
5)unsystematic elements of visualization零散元素的视觉化
6)scattering and dropping零散坠落
1.The techniques for preventing the curdled material of the plastic part and that in the runner from scattering and dropping after the plastic part is ejected in forming the small-sized plastic parts with the submarine gates of vertical injection moulds are introduced.介绍了立式注射模在用潜伏式浇口成型小型塑件时 ,防止推出后塑件和流道凝料零散坠落的技术方法 ,同时还叙述了多模注射机在此类生产当中的作用与使用。
