1.Hao Jing was a Confucian scholar between Jin and Yuan dynasty ,he advanced a series of theory on sovereign :how to gain the monarchical power ,how to strengthen the reign ,how to acquire a "world " outlook ,and so on .金元之际的郝经是一个思"大益于世"的儒士,他总结历史上君主统治的经验,认真分析当时的社会现实,提出了一系列有关君主的新见解,如君主如何以时进退、君主应"有志于天下"、君主要"以天下为度",等等。
2.The unification of China could be traced back to the world view of Monism by Laozi.中国天下一统观念发端于老子的一元论世界观。

1.It rained all summer, day in and day out.整个夏天,天天下雨。
2.It rained the whole of last week, day in, day out.上个星期天天下雨。
3.Yesterday it rained (snowed,blew) all day.昨天下了一天雨(雪、刮风)。
4.The origin of ancient Chinese democratic ideas;“天下天下人之天下”——中国古代民主观念的滥觞
5.It hailed in the late afternoon.傍晚,天下了雹子。
6.Merits and Drawbacks of All the Provinces and Counties in China《天下郡国利病书》
7.the scoff of the world天下的笑话 [笑柄]
8.It'll rain this afternoon, as like as not.今天下午很可能要下雨.
9."He who in dealing with the empire loves his subjects as one should love one's Body is the best person to whom one can commit the empire.""爱以身为天下, 若可托天下,"
10.A leader should plan and worry ahead of the people, and enjoy the fruits after the people先天下之忧而忧后天下之乐而乐
11."The good bring order to the world, the bad plunge it into confusion.""大仁者,修治天下,大恶者,挠乱天下."
12."Therefore we may accept the saying: "He who in dealing with the empire regards his high rank as though it were his Body is the best person to be entrusted with rule;"" 故贵以身为天下, 若可寄天下,"
13.The enemy is rotting with every passing day.敌人在一天天垮下去。
14.The weather man said that it was going to rain tomorrow.天气预报说明天要下雨。
15.It is dull today; we shall have rain.今天天阴,将会下雨。
16.The rain lasted for three days.雨连续下了3 天。
17.Heavens, but it snows.天哪,真的下雪了。
18.Blow me if it isn't snowing!啊呀,天在下雪啦!

1.From "tianxia" (all under heaven) to "the world":changes in late Qing intellectuals conceptions of human society;天下与世界:清末士人关于人类社会认知的转变(英文)
2.In the system of Qian mu s Shi theory, Shi and Tianxia, Tao, Politics have very complex connection.在钱穆的士思想体系当中,“士”与“天下”、“道”、“政治”之间具有错综复杂的关系,钱穆揭示出由于儒士必须遵循“君子不器”的政治伦理,道统与政统之间的关系因此变得紧张起来。
3)cangtianxia yu tianxia藏天下于天下
1.His arguments,such as "jun wei min hai","mingzhu junke","cangtianxia yu tianxia" and "gui buzai chaoting,jian buzai caomang",criticized the dictatorial political system and proposed the concept of rule by the .他的“君为民害”论和“民主君客”论,批判了君主专制,伸张的是主权在民、君须为民服务的思想;他提出“藏天下天下”“贵不在朝廷,贱不在草莽”之说,具有民治、民享、人权平等的思想倾向;“公其非是于学校”的主张,则是对人民议政权和监督权的肯定。
4)large collection of heroes聚类天下
5)"The Centre on the Earth"天下之中
1.“No Shadow in Luozhou” and “The Centre on the Earth”:;“洛州无影”与“天下之中”
6)"T ien Hsia Monthly"《天下月刊》
1.On Cultural Values of the English Magazine"T ien Hsia Monthly";试论英文杂志《天下月刊》的文化价值

天下1.古时多指中国范围内的全部土地;全国。 2.指全世界。