1.ZHOU En-lai missed ZHANG Xue-liang in all his life,made every effort to have him released,and spoke highly of his historic achievement.周恩来终生思念张学良,为释放张学良进行了长期的斗争,高度评价了张学良的历史功绩。

1.Do you miss your homeland?' "你思念祖国吗?'"。
2.She sighed for home and friends.她思念家乡和朋友。
3.He languished for home.他苦苦地思念家乡。
4.She said she still cared for him.她说她仍然思念他。
5.I miss you every single day我每时每刻思念你。
6.I will be thinking of you on Valentine's Day.情人节当天我将思念你。
7.Acutely longing for one's family or home.想家对家庭的强烈思念
8.But I waked, and all was done.我却醒来,留下无限思念
9.All of the nights you came to me我虽然日夜将你思念
10.He was homesick for Italy.他思念祖国意大利.
11.He is sighing for home and friends.他在思念家乡和故旧。
12.I just miss my husband.我只是思念我先生。
13.And I slowly go insane思念几乎使我发狂。
14.The travelling overseas Chinese think of local flavour.海外游子思念家乡风味。
15.You know we'd all miss you.你知道我们都会思念
16.They were pining for their homes.他们思念他们的家。
17.I could see it in the distance.我很思念远方的亲人。
18.She pined for her native land.她苦苦思念她的故乡。

1.On Transformation of Peasants Ideology in Construction of New Socialist Countryside;论新农村建设中农民思想观念的转变
2.P.E. masters should establish the ideology of "health first;体育教师应树立“健康第一”的思想观念
3.The major principle of China is peasant,no modernization of peasant,no modernization of China! To modernize the ideology of peasant contribute to the modernization of peasants.要实现农民的现代化,首要是实现农民思想观念的现代化。
1.The article introduces the circs of developing safety quality standardization in Yu Zhuang Coal Mine,by sum-up and analyse,it put forward that human ideas is the deciding factor of safety production in coal mine.介绍了袁庄煤矿开展安全质量标准化工作的情况,通过总结分析,提出了人的思想观念是煤矿安全生产中的决定因素,只有解放思想、提高认识,才能把煤矿安全质量标准化活动持之以恒地开展下去,才能构建安全生产的长效机制,促进煤矿安全生产。
2.From two aspects of its functional aim & the stipulation of the social nature, the ideas fitting in with the basic economic system of the socialist preliminary stage are analyzed and explained.从社会主义初级阶段基本经济制度的功能指向和社会性质规定两个方面,分析阐述了与社会主义初级阶段基本经济制度相适应的思想观念。
4)Thought idea思想观念
1.From deprivation to degenerate——Analysis on the contemporary Chinese thought idea and the esthetic consciousness change from the sex description;从缺失到堕落——从文学作品中性描写看当代中国社会的思想观念和审美意识的变迁
2.Market economy and serviceman thought idea form exist the positive correlation,these mainly displayed in:It strengthened serviceman s fair competition consciousness,it strengthened serviceman s efficiency consciousness,it strengthened serviceman s innovative consciousness,it strengthened serviceman s legal system consciousness,it strengthened serviceman s good faith consciousness.市场经济与军人思想观念的形成存在正相关,因为市场经济强化了军人的公平竞争意识、效率意识、创新意识、法制意识、诚信意识;市场经济与军人思想观念形成也存在负相关,导致某些军人理想信念淡化、过分追求个人享受、一切向钱看,使其个人主义、自由主义思想膨胀。
3.Literary criticism in the period of May 4th Movement manifested the bright modern features in three fields:the thought idea,the text shape and the creation technique.“五四”文学批评在思想观念、文本形态和创作手法三个方面,体现了鲜明的现代特征。
1.Slightly Talking about Peasant s Concept Modernization;关于农民思想观念现代化的几点思考
2.In this changing world,the performance of the university instructor in the political education and the proper position in the concept.当前的国际国内环境对学生的影响是我们始料未及的,在世界发生深刻变化的今天,辅导员要想做好思想政治工作,其思想观念、角色和工作思路上的正确定位,将直接影响到高校思想政治工作的效果。
3.After the Yellow River was flooded,there were some differences: the increased peasant floating population,the age variety in different periods,the longer period of staying at home and settling in other places;the clan concept became obscure;so.黄泛区农民在经历常年的灾荒打击后,其思想观念中某些方面的传统和变异也得到充分的体现,安土重迁的乡土观念在黄河泛滥前主要表现为黄泛区农民“候鸟”式的生活方式:长期季节性的在家乡与外地之间往返流动。
1.The Inquiry into the Strategies to Amend the Misconception under the Internet Environment;Internet环境下改善迷思概念的策略探究
2.Such conceptual puzzles are often referred to misconceptions.学生头脑中存在的与科学概念不一致的认识称为“迷思概念”(Misconception),在国外也有称之为先前概念(Precon-ception)、直觉概念(Intuition)、另有概念(Alternative conception)等。
3.In this dissertation, these dim cognitions and mistaken understandings are so-called "misconception in photosynthesis".本文把学生在光合作用学习中存在的模糊认识或错误理解称为光合作用迷思概念。
