1.His novel,The Sand Bed is a story about eroticism.小说《沙床》选取情色作为写作的核心语境,用第一人称的叙述视角讲述了诸葛教授有关追逐、内省情色的故事,并不是要进行道德的审视,也不是为了表现人性的丑恶,而是通过情色欲望表达了对人的生命意义的终极思考和价值关怀。

1.expression mark表示感情色彩的符号
2.They say he's a terrible flirt.据说他是调情色鬼.
3.to emotionalize religion使宗教带上感情色
4.pornographic films and magazines.色情电影和色情杂志。
5.light fiction romance黄色小说, 恋爱、色情小说
6.Pornographic information;色情、淫秽等黄色信息;
7.crime passionelph.1. 色情犯罪
8."Since all manifestations are born of nothingness and in turn give rise to passion, by describing passion for what is manifest we comprehend nothingness. So the Taoist changed his name to the Passionate Monk""从此空空道人因空见色,由色生情,传情入色,自色悟空,遂易名为情僧"
9.The title eclaircissement of A Dream of Red Mansions;因空见色,由色生情,传情入色,自色悟空——《红楼梦》书名释义
10.excessive violence or sex过分渲染暴力或色情
11.It is called Mood Indigo.名为《深蓝色的情绪》。
12.the film's blatant eroticism影片露骨的色情性.
13.Is he a porn producer?他是个色情制片人吗?
14.a fruity joke, remark, story, etc色情的笑话、 言语、 故事等.
15.Are they porn stars?她们是色情明星吗?
16.The presentation or production of this material.色情资料的发行或制作
17.Ware, Minitrue, Porno Section,色情区真部的维尔。
18.Dawes, Minitrue, Porno Section,色情区真部的道斯。

1.The spread of pornography and obscenity is a very crucial issue in the modern society.色情淫秽内容的传播是现代社会所面临的一个重要问题。
2.Currently,profit-directed Internet pornography is spreading within the whole glboe.以营利为目的的网络色情传播在全球范围内蔓延,其后果不仅表现为犯罪率高,而且从深层次上说,放纵性欲必然导致爱情的麻木,这二者之间的恶性互动是对爱情这种高尚精神活动的亵渎与扼杀。
3.Women become the victim of "pornography" and "violence" again because of this kind of power.在当代影视文化中,"正常化"的"性别暴力"正在成为一种建构力量,它不仅使女性再一次沦为"色情"和"暴力"的牺牲品,而且还巩固和维系着既存的文化秩序和性别权力关系,其根源主要是盛行于性别关系领域中的权力统治格局。
1.Although Bataille has never definitely brought forward any project to resist the homogeneous world, eroticism was undoubtedly seemed as the prescription for the maladies of the homogeneous world.虽然巴塔耶从未明确提出过反抗同质性世界的行动纲领,但色情无疑属于巴塔耶疗救同质性世界弊病的药方。
5)color emotion色彩情感
1.How to use color emotions and color preferences which the chromatic light arouses scientifically and rationally is crucial to resolve above questions, simultaneously is concerned by the domestic and foreign experts.而如何科学合理地运用色光所唤起的色彩情感与色彩偏好是解决上述问题的关键,同时也是国内外专家学者关注的问题。
6)pornographic web pages色情网页
