1." It indicates how the effects of suspense, eeriness and horror is established perfectly through the use of irony.讨论了作为新批评文论中的结构原则的反讽如何使《鄂》中的悬疑、怪诞、恐怖效果达到极致。

1.Suspense building from the opening scene to the climax.从序幕发展高潮的悬疑
2.Suspense adds interest to a story.故事中的悬疑情节更加引人入胜.
3.Six Cliffhangers of Sex Narration in The Beseiged City;性叙事的六大悬疑——解读《围城》之一
4.A romantic thriller about a cop who falls in love with a prime suspect in a murder case.在这部浪漫悬疑片里,一个女警爱上谋杀案的头号嫌疑犯。
5.The detective story kept me in suspense until the end.那本侦探小说使我感到悬疑紧张直到结束。
6.The movie kept the audience in suspense until the end.那部电影让观众一直在悬疑之中直到最后。
7.The latest crime series, a strong sense of suspense to your feelings.最新的罪案系列,给你最强烈的悬疑感受。
8.Unbelievable Suspense,Miserable Lives--Narrative Techniques in Dry September悬疑背后的惨淡人生——论《干旱的九月》的叙述技巧
9.Man: Yes, it's full of suspense and mystery. I couldn't put it down. I read it all in one sitting.男:是的,充满悬疑和神秘。我爱不释手,一口气读完呢。
10.It focuses on four youths in Hsimenting who come across a mystery.本片是以四个的年轻人在西门町所遇到的悬疑事件为主轴。
11.The suspense, hilarity and seduction will keep you sucked in 'till the bittersweet enthralling end.悬疑、欢喜和诱惑让你沉浸其中,直到苦乐参半吸引人的的结局。
12.Complex and densely plotted, this is not an ordinary thriller and suspense story, but far more a discernment into human emotions.复杂及紧凑的程度,远远的超过一般的悚然及悬疑的小说。
13.The detective story kept me in suspense until the last chapter.这侦探小说一直使我处于一种悬疑状态,直到读到最后一章为止。
14.Construction of Readers and Readers Construction-Readers Response Research on Contemporary American Suspicious Fictions;构建读者与读者构建——美国当代悬疑小说的读者反映批评研究
15.Some charm by exotic imagery, others by suspense, some even by subtle obfuscations.有些靠离奇想象引人入胜,有的则依靠悬疑,有的甚至依靠轻微迷惑来吸引读者。
16.The nonfiction film the da vincl code: whrer it all began exposes the historical roots of brown's fantastic tale.这是一部充满悬疑与惊怵的记录影片,是畅销全球的科幻小说《达芬奇密码》的源本。
17.British writer noted for his suspense novels, including A Passage of Arms(1959).安姆伯勒,埃里奇生于1909英国作家,以其包括战争通道(1959年)的悬疑小说而著称
18.Mobius,Stain and Gaze:A Lacanian Reading of Suspense in Suddenly Last Summer莫比乌斯带、污点与凝视——以拉康视角阐释《去年夏天突然来临》中的悬疑

six cliffhangers六大悬疑
4)informative suspense fiction知识型悬疑小说
6)keep doubtful materials as they were疑以传疑

疑【疑】 (术语)谓于诸实理犹豫不决之心也。故非一旦契悟谛理不能绝之。小乘预流果以上,菩萨初地以上,乃为断疑者。唯识论六曰:“云何为疑?于诸谛理,犹豫为性,能障不疑善品为业。谓犹豫者,善不生故。”大乘义章六曰:“疑者于境不决犹豫曰疑,有二种:一者疑事,如夜观树疑为是人为非人等。二者疑理,疑诸谛等。小乘法中,唯取疑理,说为疑使。大乘通取,皆须断故。”