1.Ho s "Rhapsody of Recalling the Past" is similar to Xiang Xiu s rhapsody with the same title in the main emotion,technique of expression and artistic style, but it is different from Xiang s in the intention.他的《思旧赋》模拟向秀原题作品,情感基调、表现手法、艺术风格基本相同,然而两赋意旨迥异。
2.The choice of imagery first should be based on novelty and be subjected to a poet s intentions.意象的选择首先要立足于新 ,要服从于诗人的意旨

1.the predominant color [idea]主色 [主要意旨]
2.I will be governed by you, ie will do as you suggest.我愿秉承您的意旨.
3.I will be governed by you.我愿秉承您的意旨
4.Of or resulting from divine providence.神的意旨的或由神意产生的
5.The winds blow at his bidding and the waves toss and range at his word.风是按照他的意旨刮的,海浪是按照他的意旨汹涌澎湃的。
6.general meaning or drift of sth(某事的)要旨,大意
7.God's will be done.但愿神的旨意能实现。
8.try to do God's will要按照上帝的旨意行事
9.And CAT would not obey Adam.猫并不遵从亚当的旨意。
10.The voice of the people be the voice of god .人民的呼声是神的旨意。
11.Her flirtatious manners are intended to attract.她的轻浮的举止旨在引人注意。
12.No superhuman power resists God's will.任何超人的能力都不能违抗神的旨意。
13.Our purpose: Customers' satisfaction, Sile's pursuance.我厂宗旨:用户的满意,司乐的追求!
14.a pernicious campaign to blacken his character旨在诋毁他的人格的恶意宣传活动
15.Both impulses are pretentious and empty.两种冲动都旨在炫耀,毫无意义。
16.The priest said that she died because God willed it.牧师说她死了是因为上帝的旨意。
17.No, there was no question of disobeying the King.不行,无论如何不能违背国王的旨意呀。
18.But, once again, God's will be done.可是,我再说一遍,这是上帝的旨意。

1.The intentions of YU Xin s depiction of these sceneries are presented as follows: firstly,to express the anguish of the ruin of the nation;secondly,to express the sadness of long stay in a strange place;thirdly,to express the grief of bereavement;fourthly,to express the nostalgia;and fifthly,to express the hatred of being betrayed.究其创作意旨有:一、借秋意象抒发亡国之痛;二、借秋意象抒发羁旅之哀;三、借秋意象抒发丧亲之悲;四、借秋意象抒发乡关之思;五、借秋意象抒发失节之恨。
3)implication of content旨意含蓄
1.Leading by his poem theory and taking his Yong Shi Huai Gu poems as center,this essay makes a study on the implication of content,the style of QuJing,the warning tactics of linguist,the abundance of imagination of his Yong Shi Huai Gu poem,in order .试以其自己的诗歌理论为指导,以其咏史怀古诗为中心,通过分析其咏史怀古诗内容的旨意含蓄,风格的取境精练、语言警策、想象丰富来显示刘禹锡独特的艺术个性。
4)illocutionary intention语旨意图
1.There are many sorts of intentions, illocutionary intention and perlocutionary intention are the most important intentions in the analysis of utterance meaning, and their accomplishments rely on recognition of them.意图有很多类型,语效意图和语旨意图是分析话语意义的最重要的两种意图,它们的实现都离不开听者对它们的认识。
5)the idea inform意旨传达
6)the rediscovery of ones intention意旨发覆

意旨1.亦作"意指"。亦作"意恉"。 2.谓意之所在。多指尊者的意向。