
1.The Function And Limitation of the Note And the Ideogram Linking the Time When the Phonogram Came Into Being And the Approaches;从产生时间、途径看形声字音符、意符的作用
2.The Morphological Awareness of Pictophonetic Characters: An Experimental Study on Learners of Chinese as a Second Language;留学生形声字意符表意意识的实证研究
3.Note: Separator cannot be an empty string.注意:分割符不可以是空字符串。
4.Note: White space is treated as the list item separator!注意:空格符将作为列表项的分隔符!
5.What do these marks signify?这些符号表示什麽意思?
6.The sign '-'means minus.‘—’这个符号是‘减’的意思。
7.He' s a man after my own heart.他是符合我心意的人。
8.not really to my liking并非真正符合我的心意
9.It would not suit the author's Book.这不会符合作家的心意
10.Note: To extract characters from the end of the string, use a negative start number.注意:要从字符的尾部开始取字符,用负数做为起始字符。
11.(music) a notation written above a note and indicating that it is to be played with a strong initial attack.(音乐中)写在一个音符上的符号,意思是该音符被加强演奏。
12.of or relating to or consisting of ideograms.属于、关于表意或由表意字符构成。
13.On two questions about arbitrariness and nonarbitrariness of linguistic signs;语言符号任意性与非任意性研究两问
14."Unexpected character in class name (must be an identifier)"类别名中含有意外字符(必须是一个标识符)
15.A system of characters or symbols used to express or convey thought and meaning.字符用字符表达或传递思想和意义的体系
16.Cultural Semiotics and Its Significance--Revisiting the Cultural Semiotics of Tatu School;文化的符号意义——再评塔图学派的文化符号学
17.A Study on the Division of Meaning of Original Character of Yi Sheng Zi that Expresses the Meaning of Phonetic Sign;表达声符字本义的亦声字及声符字意义的分化
18.The Signification of the Principle of Arbitrary Sign--Some Considerations on Saussure s Arbitrary Sign;语言符号任意性原则的所指——关于索绪尔语言符号任意性的思考

The morphological awareness意符意识
3)consciousness symbols意识符号
4)semiotic signification符意机制
5)sense accordance意义相符
1.This article is concerning about the English versions of the titles of "A Dream of Red Mansiom", through the angle of sense accordance——one of the characteristics of Chinese-English translation, in an attempt to attract readers interests and finds out better ways of translation.从汉译英的特点——意义相符的角度出发,对《红楼梦》的杨译和霍译两个版本中回目的翻译进行分析,并提出了一些个人的看法。
6)Symbol meanings符号语意
