1.In A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, Joyce enlarges the narrative scopes,renovates the concept of growth,rejects to exemplify the middle-class values,emphasizes the fluidity and continuity of development,suggests the necessity of escaping from the world and the inevitability of self-exile,and finds out the reality of spiritual alienation and separation.乔伊斯扩展了成长小说的叙事范围,更新了传统的成长观,强调成长的连续性和流动性,在个人与社会的关系上选择逃离和自我放逐

1.Self exile and Self save --the Spirit of Asu Yueer?s Poetry自我放逐与自我拯救——论阿苏越尔的诗歌精神
2.Ling Shuhua in Self-exile--Rereading Hua Zhi Si;置身于自我放逐中——重读凌叔华的小说集《花之寺》
3.Aspiration of "Self-exile"--Discusses on the Writing of Bai Xianyong s Early Novels;“自我放逐”的渴望——略论白先勇早期小说创作
4.An Elegy of Self Exile--On Yu Lihua s “Student-Studying-Abroad Literature”;一曲自我放逐的悲歌——论於梨华的“留学生文学”
5.Local-flavored Novels in the 1980s: the Self Exiling and Redeeming in the "Cultural Source Seeking;80年代乡土小说:“文化寻根”中的自我放逐与救赎
6.A Portrait of the Artist in Alienation: James Joyce and Stephen Dedalus;自我放逐中的艺术家:詹姆斯·乔伊斯与斯蒂芬·德迪勒斯
7.Giving up Oneself and Playing with Life--A Brief Discussion on the Contributing Factors and Classification of the Erotic Poetry in the Song Dynasty;自我放逐与游戏人间——略论宋代艳情词的成因及分类
8.SPLIT, RETIRING FROM VERSION AND SEIF-EXILE On the Intellectuais in Noveis from the Eighties to Ninties;分化隐退与自我放逐──试论八九十年代小说中的知识分子
9.First Banishment of My Self--on the prose work of Wang Chonglu in the decade of 1956-1966;自我的初次放逐——论王充闾1956-1966的散文创作
10.Banishing From Self Again--A Comment On Proses Written By Wang Chonglü During 1977-1984;自我的再次放逐——论王充闾1977—1984年的散文创作
11." I am cast out because of you."我是因为你才被放逐的。
12.He gradually gave up his reformist ideas.他逐步放弃了自己的改良主义思想。
13.They expatriated Jews from Germany.他们将犹太人自德国放逐。
14.Free International Federation of Deportees and Resistance Internees抵抗和被放逐者自由国际联合会
15.Bloodmage's Banish has been rebalanced and can no longer be cast on yourself or your allies.血法的放逐重新平衡,将不能对自己或盟友施放。
16.'Nay, mate,' said he – 'marooned.'“不是,朋友,”他说,“我是被放逐的。”
17.I was exile to the farthest corner of the kingdom.我是被放逐到王国最远的角落。
18.We are bound by ideals that move us beyond our backgrounds, lift us above our interests and teach us what it means to be citizens.只有理想,才能使我们心系一处,超越自己,放弃个人利益,并逐步领会何谓公民。

self-restraint and exile自我约束与放逐
1.The cultural activity is a process that the mankind pursues self-liberation,but the alienation of culture bring the alienation of people.文化活动是人类不断追求自我解放的过程,而文化的异化造成了文化对人的束缚,带来了人的异化,文化活动动机和结果之间的矛盾构成了文化发展的二律背反,它决定了文化批判的必要性。
2.Miller has been fulfilling his thought of self-liberation through all his life.“自我解放”是亨利·米勒本人及其作品的核心,他终其一生都在通过他本人的生活及作品身体力行地实践其“自我解放”的主张;他所喜爱的“超现实主义”写作、自传体小说形式,穷尽一生追寻的真实(Truth),肆无忌惮的性描写,频繁探讨的虚无与神秘力量,对自由的向往以及“无政府主义”的论调,都与“自我解放”密不可分。
3.In this paper,through analyzing the life experience of black women from three generations,ways for their self-identity construction and self-liberation are achieved.本文意在通过对祖、媳、孙三代黑人女性人生经历的分析,来探寻黑人女性构建自我身份、实现自我解放的途径和策略。
1.Aspiration of "Self-exile"——Discusses on the Writing of Bai Xianyong s Early Novels;“自我放逐”的渴望——略论白先勇早期小说创作
2.Freedom and exile:A cultural criticism of America on the living conditions of the western people in modern times;自由与放逐:《美国》对西方现代人生存境况的文化批判
3.The investigation of Quyuan "being exiled" is a difficult point at issue in researching into Quyuan s life.屈原放逐问题的研究,是屈原生平研究的一个热点和难点。
1.As one old penalty, the banishing punishment has existed for a long time both in China and western countries.放逐作为一种古老的刑罚,中西皆行之久远。
