
1.pay a compliment to恭维, 夸奖, 颂扬
2.The extolling or exaltation of a deity, ruler, or hero.赞颂,颂扬对神、统治者或英雄的颂扬或褒奖
3.They were extolled as heroes.他们被当做英雄来颂扬
4.Everyone is singing your praises.每一个人都在颂扬你。
5.extol, praise, etc the virtues of thrift颂扬、 赞美...节俭的好习惯.
6.as they turn from Praise.像人们躲避称赞颂扬
7.The whole world rings with the praises of Chinese culture.全世界都颂扬中国文化。
8.To praise highly in speech or writing.称颂用语言或文字大力颂扬
9.A formal eulogistic composition intended as a public compliment.赞颂词正式的颂扬性文章,如公开称赞
10.Han Song: Another expressiont of the Eulogistic subject of Han Fu-some thoughts about relationship of Han Song and Han Fu;汉颂:汉代颂扬主题的另一种表现——兼谈汉颂与汉赋的关系
11.Emblazoning a heroine's deeds in song.在歌曲中颂扬女英雄的事迹
12.I do not blame the law, but I bless God.我并不诋毁法律,但是我颂扬上帝。
13.We cannot praise him enough as a hero.作为英雄,我们怎样颂扬他都不为过。
14.put up a plaque as a triBute to his generosity.别上徽章作为他的慷慨大度的颂扬
15.People extolled him as a national hero人们把他当作民族英雄来颂扬
16.suggesting a public holiday to honor mothers.建议应该有一个公众假日来颂扬母亲。
17.His novels were celebrations of anarchism.他的小说颂扬无政府主义。
18.The dead woman was eulogized at the funeral.在葬礼上这位已逝的妇人被人们颂扬

style of building颂扬寺院
3)praise from the author颂扬之笔
4)praising honesty颂扬诚实
5)Praise emperor's morals颂扬圣德
6)the subject of eulogy颂扬主题
