
1.Comment on the Novel-Brothers;迷狂时代下的情感——对余华《兄弟》的解读
2.Plato s Theory of Inspiration--Directing the Rationality Is Mania;柏拉图的灵感说——指向理智的迷狂
3.On The Inspiring Madness Theory、The Mimetic Theory and The God-Perception Theory;论“迷狂说”、“摹仿说”与“神感说”
4.The Ecstasy of St Theresa?in Barroque Art;从“圣特烈萨的迷狂”看巴洛克艺术
5.Rationalism essence of Polato s illusionism;浅析柏拉图“迷狂说”的理性主义本质
6.Ravishing and Reason--A New Interpretation of "Catharsis"迷狂与理性——“卡塔西斯”意义新解
7.A Reevaluation of Plato s Madness Theory --Modification of A Long Error in The History of Western esthetics;柏拉图迷狂说重估——关于《西方美学史》一处长期学理迷误的辨正
8.in the agitation of the blinding wind,当我在迷眼眼的狂风
9.a person seized by nympholepsy.被狂乱、迷魔占据的人。
10.How Ecstasy Affects the Brain毒品狂迷如何影响脑
11.The (football) fans cheered their team's victory with fever heat.球迷们为自己球队的胜利狂热欢呼。
12.The football fans were enchanted by/ with the wonderful goal.球迷们为这个精采的进球而欣喜若狂。
13.Fanatic fans fancy “Titanic” are terrific and fantastic.狂热的影迷认为《铁达尼号》精彩又美妙。
14.balletomane:an ardent admirer of the ballet.芭蕾舞迷:芭蕾舞的狂热崇拜者。
15.An ardent admirer of the ballet.芭蕾舞迷芭蕾舞的狂热崇拜者
16.To enchant or seize with rapture.使着迷使陷入狂喜,销魂的境地
17.But all this was essentially dreamy lunacy.但这一切基本上是迷梦和狂想。
18.The football fans cheered the winning team with agonies of wild joy.足球迷欣喜若狂地向胜队欢呼。

1.And the status of the inspiration would appear in two completely opposite ways in the Western and the Eastern - the Xu Jing ( untroubledness ) and the mania, which are undoubtedly the reflection of the traditional cultural difference and the literature theory difference between the Western and the Eastern.而这种“灵感”状态,在中西方却表现为看似截然相反的两种心理状态-虚静与迷狂
1.Rotation"and Craziness of Khorcin Saman;“旋转”与科尔沁博的迷狂
2.Keats poems is just like a combination of contradictions,as well as the two sides of a coin,with one side being direct and imaginary craziness and the other reasonable comprehension and extension.济慈诗歌的走向恰似一个矛盾的组合,就像一枚钱币的两面,一面是直觉与想象的迷狂,另一面是理智的顿悟和伸张。
5)style of craziness迷狂式
6)Inspiring madness theory迷狂说
1.This text tries from the ancient Chinese and Western literary theorists concrete description of the inspiration,and tries to compare Luji s “the theory of Heaven s motive” with Plato s “Inspiring madness theory”, and tries to analyze the differences between Chinese and western ancient inspi.文章试图从中外文论家的具体描述入手,试图通过陆机的“天机说”与柏拉图的“迷狂说”来比较中西古代灵感理论的差异,并探讨中西文化精神差异。
