1.Heathcliff and Qiu Hu:Their Similarities and Differences as Avenger——A Comparative Study of the Heroes of Emily Bronte s Wuthering Heights and Cao Yu s Champaign;复仇者的同与异:希思克利夫和仇虎——《呼啸山庄》和《原野》中男主人公之比较
2.Thunder Storm,Sunrise and Champaign are the three major tragedy of Cao Yu.《雷雨》《日出》《原野》被称为曹禺的三大悲剧,三部剧作始终表现出阴郁的色彩和深邃的悲情这一深厚的内在意蕴。

1.The Conflict of Ration and Wild Nature;理性与野性的冲突——走进《原野》
2.On the Opera--Wilderness from Reception Aesthetics Angle接受美学视野中的歌剧——《原野》
3.Romanticism and Naturalism in Yuan-ye(the Work s name);《原野》中的浪漫主义和自然主义——《原野》新释
4.A Comparative Study of Wuthering Heights and The Wild;荒原里绝望的复仇者——《呼啸山庄》与《原野》之比较
5.so that the gray country and the dark red country于是灰色原野和深红色原野
6.The field was clothed in snow.原野被雪覆盖着,雪遮蔽原野。
7."field:a broad, level, open expanse of land.""原野,旷野:一宽广的、水平的、开阔的土地."
8.A broad, level, open expanse of land.原野,旷野一宽广的、水平的、开阔的土地
9.Theory of three parts scope and determination of zero scope of optical rotation meter;旋光仪三分视野原理和零度视野确定
10.His foot's upon his native heath.他的脚踏着家乡的原野。
11.The field is not very far from here.“那片原野离这儿不远,
12.This is an expanse of open country.这是片空旷的原野。
13.they went over the fields and the hills.他们走过原野越过山丘。
14.and white in the gray country.灰白的原野变成了白色。
15.The horse was walking in the field.这匹马在原野中踱步。
16.Bosworth Field, Battle of博斯沃思原野战役(1485.8.22)
17.The field was interspersed with stands of trees.原野上点缀着树木。
18.The startled red deer scudded the plain,受惊的赤鹿驰过原野。

1.On the Acceptance of Weald from the Perspective of Performance History;从演出史看《原野》的接受
2.However, his attempt was defeated, this end did some errors on character figure, scenario and structure in CaoYu s four famous works which include lighting storm, sunrise, weald and Beijing s people.然而,这个尝试是失败的,这造成了曹禺的四大名剧——《雷雨》、《日出》、《原野》、《北京人》——在人物塑造和情节、结构的安排上出现了重大的失误。
3)widely qiongjiang river原野琼江
4)original horizon原初视野
5)Weald image原野意象
6)the open country原野意识
