
1.He would indulge her every dream.他会尽量满足她的每一个奇思妙想
2.Don't be shy let your fantasies unfold and you will not be disappointed.不要羞于打开你的奇思妙想,你一定不会失望。
3.Cyberwarfare, a futuristic colection of ideas that range from clever to absurd.计算机战, 包括未来学家的各种猜想,其中有些是奇思妙想,有些是无稽之谈。
4.Cyberwarfare, a futuristic collection of ideas that range from clever to absurd.计算机战。 包括未来学家的各种猜想,其中有些是奇思妙想,有些是无稽之谈。
5."Give ear to this, O Job, and keep quiet in your place; and take note of the wonders worked by God."约伯阿,你要留心听,要站立思想神奇妙的作为。
6.This night has been so wonderful,@ he thought.“今晚真是太奇妙了,”他想。
7.The Fantastic Imagination of Chinese Children中国孩子的奇妙想象
8.a curious (queer) mixture奇妙(不可思议)的混合
9.Give ear to this, Job; Stand still and consider the wondrous acts of God.14约伯阿,你要侧耳听这话;要站立思想神奇妙的作为。
10.Feliks thought: wonderful!费利克思想:太妙啦!
11.It is a beauty wrought out from within upon the flesh, the deposit, little cell-by-cell, of strange thoughts and fantastic reveries and exquisite passions.这是一位内在血肉丰满的美人,是玄妙的思想、奇异的沉思和炽烈的激情点点滴滴汇集的积淀。
12.Conceit in John Donne s Songs and Sonets;约翰·邓恩《歌与短歌集》中的奇思妙喻
13.Wild rides and water slides Roller coasters zing Great delightments' New excitements奇妙,奇妙世界,至紧要好玩 奇妙,奇妙世界
14.Got up wrong side of the bed. Morning mouth bad images.今天早晨嘴里不舒服,脑子里浮现出奇妙的幻想。
15.Upon the glorious splendor of Your majesty And upon Your wondrous works I will muse.5我要默想你威严的尊荣,和你奇妙的作为。
16.And then...one magical day, it will take you.而后,在一个奇妙的日子里,你的梦想成真了。
17.The Conceits in John Donne’S Prose Works--A Case Study of“The world is like the sea”;邓恩散文中的奇思妙喻——以“世界是海”为例
18.On John Donne s fanciful and ingenious expression of his sentiment in the form of conceit;奇思妙喻谱心曲——玄学诗人多恩诗艺剖析

1.John Donne,the founder of the Metaphysical school of poetry,is well liked by many people for his brilliant wit and fantastic conceits displayed in his poems.邓恩的诗歌以其特有的奇思妙喻受到世人的喜爱。
2.Like his poems,John Donne s prose works are also full of conceits.邓恩散文像他的诗歌一样充满了奇思妙喻。
3.The conceits in his poems were fresh, philosophical and often overlapped with each other.多恩的诗歌感情真挚热烈 ,丰富的奇思妙喻具有新颖别致、蕴涵哲理、交融重叠等艺术特点 ,给人以独特的艺术享
3)strange ideas异想奇思
1.The creating and directing of dances for the children have gained enlighten- ment of reference factor according to their physical and mental abilities and characteristics,by collecting their strange ideas,exploring their quintessence of the country and assembling their modernism trend.其美学取向明晰,在抓住少儿的身心特点、采撷少儿的异想奇思、发掘少儿的国粹韵味以及糅合少儿的现代主义等方面,少儿舞蹈创编取得了颇具参照系数的启迪。
4)bee in one's bonnet奇思怪想
5)the direct and indirect thought"奇正"思想
6)The Magical Effects of the Equivalent Thought等效思想的妙用

宋北关妙行思净律师《武林西湖高僧事略》【宋北关妙行思净律师《武林西湖高僧事略》】师名思净。钱塘喻氏子。好画阿弥陀佛。臻其妙。杨无为呼为喻弥陀。世因以称焉。弃家学佛。就北关僦舍饭僧。不二十年。及三百万。移妙行额。广所居为寺。至今接待不绝。属离乱。寺独不焚。师造贼垒。愿以一身代一城之命。贼竦然。为之少戢。或者问师能画弥陀。何不参禅。师答曰。平生只解念弥陀。不解参禅可奈何。但得五湖风月在。太平何用动干戈。师儿时游西湖多宝山辄作念曰。异时当镌此石为佛。后果为弥勒像。侍郎薛公问弥勒见在天宫说法。凿石奚为。师答曰。咄哉顽石头。全凭巧匠修。只今弥勒佛。莫待下生求。其随机应答类如此。师平生务实。不事虚饰。绍兴七年冬。跌坐而逝。侍郎无垢张公九成铭其塔赞曰  永脱世尘不为物转本有弥陀毫端发见  钵饭流香石像符愿无垢为铭师其可见