1.And Through main character s option between them, author has emitted human s great resolution of resisting absurdism and refining spiritual values.作者运用荒诞的手法,通过主人公“森”的精神与肉体的分裂和游历,不仅再现了现代人的生存现状;并通过“森”最终对二者的取舍表达了人类抵制荒诞主义、重寻精神价值的决心。

1.Of or relating to absurdism or the absurd.荒诞主义的,荒诞的
2.The Existentialism Theme in Heart of Darkness-Absurdity;《黑暗的心脏》的存在主义主题——荒诞
3.Depression Expressed Through Absurdity--A Reading of Samuel Beckett s Waiting for Godot;塞缪尔荒诞剧《等待戈多》的存在主义荒谬
4.Is sf a" realistic" or a" fantastic" mode?科幻的模式是现实主义的还是荒诞的?
5.Sui-realism and Luxun s “Absurd” Technique;魔幻现实主义与鲁迅的“荒诞”手法
6.The Signal of Absurd--The Characters of Postmodemism in the Language of Absurd Plays;直喻荒诞的符号——荒诞派戏剧语言的后现代主义之维
7.The Fantastic Experience and Historical Development of Modernism Literature;现代主义文学的荒诞体验及其历史嬗变
8.Antagonism,Absurdity and Rescuing: an Analysis of The Viscount Divided into Two in Structuralism and Existentialism;对立、荒诞、拯救:《分成两半的子爵》的结构主义解读
9.On Truth/Absurdity of Expressionism in Castle;试论《城堡》的表现主义特征中荒诞和真实的结合
10.On the Absurd Profundity in Lu Xun s Modernistic Writings;荒诞的深刻——试析鲁迅创作中的现代主义描写
11.Fantastic consciousness is one of the most important characters of modernism in fiction.荒诞意识是当代小说中现代主义的最主要特征之一。
12.Existentialist Approach to the Absurdity Theme of Heart of Darkness;荒诞主题的存在主义解读——关于《黑暗的心》的一种阐释
13.This is a movement which was romantic, irrational and vehemently nationalistic in character.这是一场具有荒诞的,反理性的,鼓吹民族主义性质的运动。
14.Non-action And Natural VS. Fighting Against Absurdity--A Preliminary Study in the Daoist Thought of XU Di-Shan And the Existentialism of Albert Gamus无为自然与反抗荒诞——试论许地山道家思想与加缪的存在主义
15.Henderson: from a Dissatisfied Idealist to an Existential Hero汉德森:从困境中的理想主义者到解脱的荒诞英雄
16.On Reality and Absurdity in Harold Pinter s Early Plays;论哈罗德·品特早期剧作中的现实主义成分和荒诞性
17.The Logic of Baudrillard s Critique of Capitalism:Why does Pataphysics Become a Revolutionary Theory;荒诞玄学何以成为革命的理论——鲍德里亚的资本主义批判逻辑
18.Absurd Existence--Existentialism in Who s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?;荒诞的存在——《谁害怕维吉尼亚·吴尔芙?》中的存在主义

3)Fantastic mode of realism现实主义式荒诞
4)absurd subject荒诞主题
1.This paper is intended to expound the absurd subject in eoptempo-rarv Chinese avant-garde novel with respect to its development,main characteristics and future trend.本文探讨荒诞主题在中国新潮小说中的发展及其表现特征,并就其未来趋向略作展望。
5)Absurdity themes荒诞性主题
6)On the Aesthetic Significance of Absurdness荒诞的美学意义
