1.The self-denomination of Zhuang nationality, in their own dialect, should be Doj nationality, which means “elephant nationality”.壮族现有族称,是因为汉族按壮族人对大象称呼的语音,用汉语近似读音字来指认的,其原义为“大象民族”。
2.Elephants in Sri Lanka have Profound meaning of religious and cultural significance.大象在斯里兰卡的宗教和文化有着深遂的象征意义,斯里兰卡是个充满诗意的佛教为主的宗教信仰国家,斯里兰卡的文化艺术绘画主要围绕着宗教题材,而大象在其中有着举足轻重的地位,本文通过优美的图像和作品、使人们认识到保护和爱戴大象的重要性,用许多美丽的转说和宗教的事、装饰作品、提升作品的内在精神内涵,使作品具有当代审美品质,符合当代人的视觉表现,通过作品整体的气势,营造出异域的文化特征,传达美好的原望,。

1.An elephant, an elephant, the elephant is strong.大象大象大象很强壮。
2.Elephant, Elephant, who do you like most of all?大象大象,你最喜欢谁?
3.The elephant's brain weighs ten pounds.大象大脑重10磅。
4.This,@ thought the elephant, @is beautiful.“真漂亮。”大象心想。
5.Lions, camels and elephants.狮子,骆驼和大象
6.African elephant having enormous flapping ears and ivory tusks.耳朵大而飘、有象牙的非洲大象
7.Elephant with the big nose.拥有大鼻子的大象
8.The elephant is a big animal.大象是体形很大的动物。
9.The elephant lowered its great bulk.大象蹲下它庞大的身躯。
10.If there is no elephant in the jungle, the buffalo will be a great animal .丛林无大象,水牛称大王。
11.The elephant is very big. It can't pass through the door.大象太大,通不过这扇门。
12.The“ round-up” starts with a parade of over100 elephants that range from newborns to mature, well-trained animals.大象“总动员”从100多头大象的盛大游行开始,象阵成员从新生幼象到训练有素的成年象都有。
13.Some hunters kill elephants to sell their tusks.一些猎人为了卖掉象牙而捕捉大象
14.people are poaching elephants for their ivory.人们为了获得象牙而偷猎大象
15.Because of the ivory trade, elephant numbers fell quickly.由于象牙贸易,大象的数量急剧下降。
16.three pandas and two elephants.三只熊猫和两头大象
17.image intensifier tube影象增强器影象放大器
18.Marble busts all looked like a cemetery.大理石的半身象,简直就象是坟山。

E-le-phant, e-le-phant,大象,大象,
3)The elephant is bigger.大象更大。
4)a very big elephant indeed很大的大象.
5)imitative elephant leather大象纹
6)image ambassador形象大使
1.The increasingly brutal wine market competition resulted in the brand image ambassador an important influencing factor to consumers for their selection and discrimination of the wine products from numerous wine products.品牌形象大使的选择非常重要,优秀的品牌形象大使能使酒类品牌人格化,与消费者达成心灵的共鸣,强化对品牌的忠诚度,达到引导消费、增加消费的目的。
