1.This paper analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of MultipleChoiceQuestions(MCQ)and tends to find out ways to avoid the disadvantages and make full use of the advantages through the comparison of the types ifitems used in every year s CET4and those after the latest refrom.本文总结了历年四级题型变化,并着重从多选题在四级考试卷中比例下降的角度,阐释多选题的利弊,及就减少其弊端而采取的措施。
2.MCQ is one of the most frequently used test forms.多选题是语言测试中常用的题型之一。

1.True?false or multiple choice and matching are easier for me.对错题、多选题、联线题对我更容易。
2.Judgmental Standard of Cheating-Similarity for Four-Choice MCQs;四选项多选题作弊雷同的判定标准研究
3.Time failed me to finish all the multiple-choice questions.我想把多选题全部做完,但时间不够了。
4.Applying the Uncertainty Theory to Guessing in Reading Tests;不确定判断与阅读多选题的猜测策略
5.a multiple choice test一种多项选择题的测验
6.About the comparison of probability difficulties between one-choice questions and multiple-choice questicns;关于单项选择题与多项选择题概率难度的比较
7.Effects of Sequence of Multiple-Choice Questions on Test Anxiety;论多项选择题题序对测试焦虑的影响
8.multiple-choice questions; a multiple-choice test.有多项选择的问题;一个有多项选择的测试。
9.A Comparative Study on Item Validity of Multiple Choice Questions & Short Answer Questions;多项选择题和简答题的题目效度对比研究
10.The caption for the option group can't be more than 50 characters.选项组标题不能多于 50 个字符。
11.The campaign did not detain him long.竞选时的问题并没有缠住他多久。
12.How long a residency lasts depends on the chosen area of medicine.多长一个受训练取决于所选择的课题。
13.A Study about Location Problem of Multiple Distribution Centers Based on Witness;基于Witness的多配送中心选址问题研究
14.Brief Study on Selection of Multipath of AutoCAD Instruction;AutoCAD指令选择“多路径”问题探微
15.Distractors in the Multiple-choice Test Designing;多项选择题中的干扰项及其编写方法
16.On the Validity of Distractors in Grammar-Vocabulary Multiple-Choice Tests;论语法/词汇多项选择题干扰项的效度
17.On the Merits and Demerits of Multipl e -Choice Questions;探析“多项选择测试题型”的利与弊
18.A K-product Uncapacitated Facility Location Problem with Multi-type Clients多类型客户k-种产品的工厂选址问题

Multiple Choice Questions多项选择题
1.The article,thus,suggests several rules for test designers to obey in the course of designing multiple choice questions in order to avoid low validity.多项选择题因具有较高信度而被广泛采用 ,但也因不能检测学生语言产出能力、效度较低而备受批评。
3)multiple-choice test多项选择题
1.The design of multiple-choice test courseware is used as a sample.以多项选择题课件设计为例 ,介绍交互性和开放性课件制作有关的 Flash5脚本语言元素 ,探讨应用 Flash5动作脚本语言制作交互性和开放性课件的方法。
2.As an important part of a multiple-choice test item, the distractor is important for test designing.干扰项是多项选择题的重要组成部分,优质合理地编写干扰项是多项选择题能长期存在的关键因素。
4)Multiple choice test questions多重选择题
5)multiple-choice questions多项选择题
1.The complete section of listening test in CET-4 includes the single type of multiple-choice questions, which not only affects the reliability and validity of the test but also results in the negative aftereffect upon the foreign language teaching.多项选择题虽然是客观性测试中最广泛使用的题型之一,在语言测试界曾风靡一时,但它的不足之处已被越来越多的专业测试人士所认识。
6)MC[英][,em 'si:][美]['?m 'si]多项选择题
1.As a measure of vocabulary knowledge, Multiple Choice (MC) is widely used in China’s English testing.多项正误判断题(MTF)是一种与多项选择题(MC)结构相类似的题型,二者都有一个题干和若干需要判断的选项。

中医内科多选题集中医内科多选题集  夏度衡、高德主编。书中所列多选题包括A、B、C、D4种类型。A型题以叙述形式提出问题,然后给予5种答案供选择;B型题首先列出5个备选答案,下设数道试题,每一试题应配选一个正确答案;C型题乃一种变相多项是非题,形式和B型题相似,但备选答案只有4个;D型题又称复合是非题,由一个考题和4个备选答案组成,供选择一组正确答案。所有试题,根据内容分为《伤寒论》、《金匮要略》、《温病学》、《中医各家学说》、《内科学》5章,凡82节,每节均自立题号,其末附有答案。1985年由湖南科学技术出版社出版。