1.Stephen Owen suggests in his study on Chinese poetics that a poem in Chinese literary tradition is usually presumed to be non-fictional and its statements are taken as strictly true.宇文所安在其对中国古代诗学思想的研究中提出中国文学传统中"非虚构"的特点。

1.not fanciful or imaginative.非虚构的或非想象的。
2.On the "Rational Fictionalization" in Modem American and Bridsh Non-ficdonal Literature;简论现代英美非虚构文学的“合理虚构”
3.An Overview of Chinese American Nonfiction Works after 1990s;跨世纪华裔美国文学非虚构作品述评
4.Non-fiction: Lyrical Historical Novel--On History of the Soul from the Perspective of Stylistics;非虚构——抒情历史小说——《心灵史》文体论
5.A Critical Discussion on the Notion of "Non-fiction" in Stephen Owen s Study on Chinese Poetics;辩诗:论宇文所安中国诗学研究之非虚构
6.On the Notion of "Nonfiction" in Stepen Owen s Research into the Chinese Poetics;论宇文所安中国诗学研究中的“非虚构传统”
7.Rise of American Nonfiction Novel:Science and Technology Background and Beyond;美国非虚构小说崛起的科技和思想背景
8.At college I majored in creative writing; I specialized in fiction writting and originally had no interest in nonfiction writing在大学里,我的专业是创意写作,专攻虚构作品,最初对非虚构作品毫无兴趣。
9.Non-fictitious theory and experiential timespace--The recognition of truthfulness of reportages;非虚构理念与体验性时空——对报告文学真实性的重新认识
10.Challenging realistic nous,building romantic reality--Rising of non-fiction in America on the view of reception aesthetics;挑战现实理性构建浪漫真实——接受美学观照下的非虚构小说在美国的时兴
11.Fabrication is not a Lie--Discussion of the truth in Art;虚构并非谎言——论艺术中的真实性
12.The whole thing is amateur romancing, very badly done.整篇东西就是浅薄之徒的虚构,写得非常蹩脚。
13.His world is, on the whole, made wonderfully interesting. But it is insubstantial.他的世界大体说来写得非常有趣。但是虚构的。
14.To replace fact with fantasy unconsciously in memory.虚构用记忆中非意识的幻想来取代事实
15.Unstructured Grid Generation and Simplification in Virtual Reality;虚拟现实系统中非结构网格生成及简化的研究
16.Fiction,Reference and Nonexistence--The Truth Problem and Its Solutions;虚构、指称与非存在——为真难题及其解决方案
17.To compose fables.虚构创作虚构的故事
18.Of, relating to, or being fiction; fictional.虚构的虚构的、与虚构有关的或作为虚构的;虚构的

non fictionality非虚构性
1.Reportage norm consists of non fictionality, cultural critique and intertextuality, which are manifested in objective presentation, subjective conveyance and artistic expression through specific language and narrative mode.报告文学的规范由非虚构性、文化反思性和跨文体性三元素构成 ,它们分别从客观呈现、主体诉求与艺术表现三层面支撑着这一规范 ,并经由报告文学文体的语言体式与叙述模式传达出
3)non-fiction literature非虚构文学
1.Cold Blood ,cornerstone of nonfiction,proves successfully that nonfiction is an equal to fiction in both its social and aesthetic values.非虚构小说是小说发展历史中所形成的一种小说创作热潮 ,是小说在新的历史条件下所进行的一次积极拓展。
2.This thesis is an analysis of nonfiction based on three great nonfiction works from the perspective of cultural and historical background during the 1960s and 1970s in America, and it includes six parts.本文以二十世纪美国战后六七十年代社会文化及历史为背景,在分析三部非虚构小说的基础上,对反映这一社会背景必要手段的非虚构小说作了分析。
5)non-fictitious transfer非虚构转让
6)nonfictional tradition非虚构传统
