1.There are more than one hundred poems about eating in Du Fu s poetry.杜甫诗中直接和间接涉及到吃饭的诗大约有一百多首。
2.So we must pay attention to" take-in and out",more in awe of nature and tradition,placing restraints on eating and speaking,making a good control of the opening and closing of the mouth;it is the sign of successful people.在五官文化中,嘴的双重功能——吃饭与说话——显得格外重要。

1.Are you going to eat in or eat out你今天打算在家吃饭还是在饭馆吃饭?
2.I don't like having meals in restaurants.我不喜欢在饭店吃饭
3.said Minnie, when they were eating."吃饭时敏妮说道。
4."Will ye 'gang' to take a bite with me, laddie?"“吃饭嗑么,后生?”
5.Do you prefer to have rice or buns?你愿意吃饭还是吃馒头。
6.The two men return to their table and eat their desserts.两人回至饭桌吃饭后小吃。
7.Men eat to live but not live to eat.人吃饭为了活着,但活着不是为了吃饭
8.Live not to eat but eat to live.[谚]要为活着而吃饭,不要为吃饭而活着。
9.We have three guests to dinner.我们有三位客人来吃饭
10.We are eating, eating dinner,我们在吃晚饭,吃晚饭,
11.Do you eat supper before or after lunch?你午饭前吃晚饭还是午饭后吃晚饭?
12.I have lunch at half past twelve.我12点半吃午饭。
13.Eat (up) your dinner.你把饭吃(完)了.
14.Will you dine a la carte or take the taBle d'hote?你想吃点菜,还是吃份饭?
15.No, I didn't. But I had a big brunch.没吃。但我吃了顿早午饭。
16.Eat the noodles. Eat the rice. Eat the chicken. Eat the beef.吃面条。吃米饭。吃鸡肉。吃牛肉。
17.When do you have lunch? We have lunch at twelve.你们什么时候吃中饭?我们12点吃中饭。
18.She brings her lunch box to school every day and eats fruit after lunch.她每天带饭盒到学校吃,饭后吃点水果。

choke over one's food吃饭吃呛了
3)chi fan le ma吃饭了吗
1.This paper breifly analyzes one kind of typical Chinese phatic communion — "chi fan le ma?".本文从三个方面简要分析了汉语中最典型的寒暄语"吃饭了吗?"。
5)dine out外出吃饭
6)have the run of one's teeth免费吃饭

吃饭家伙1.亦作"吃饭家生"。 2.指脑袋。 3.指借以谋生的工具或手段。