1.Hearing the Raindrop Pitter-pattering on the Remains of Lotus——The heroine Songlian, in the Novel and Film;留得残荷听雨声——小说与电影中的颂莲
2.Resistance and Submission: Comparative Reading of the Image of Songlian in the Fiction Wives and Concubines in Flocks and the Film Raise the Red Lantern反抗与奴从——小说《妻妾成群》与电影《大红灯笼高高挂》中颂莲形象的对读

1.Hearing the Raindrop Pitter-pattering on the Remains of Lotus--The heroine Songlian, in the Novel and Film;留得残荷听雨声——小说与电影中的颂莲
2.People in Phoenix Mansion Leaving Away and Desolate Scene Being Like a Dream--Discussing on adaption of Shunlian s imagery;凤楼人远萧如梦——谈颂莲形象的改编
3.Resistance and Submission: Comparative Reading of the Image of Songlian in the Fiction Wives and Concubines in Flocks and the Film Raise the Red Lantern反抗与奴从——小说《妻妾成群》与电影《大红灯笼高高挂》中颂莲形象的对读
4.An interview with Sandy Lam& Mark Lui. They talked about each song during the interview.今天播出了忆莲和雷颂德的录音访问,新碟歌曲逐首讲。
5.A laudatory speech or written tribute, especially one praising someone who has died.颂词,颂文,悼词颂词或颂文,尤指对死者的赞颂
6.They sing the praises of their ancestors and their hometown.他们歌颂祖先,歌颂家乡,
7."Give praises to God, make songs of praise; give praises to our King, make songs of praise."你们要向神歌颂,歌颂,向我们王歌颂,歌颂。
8.Chi Lin Care and Attention Home [Chi Lin Nunnery]志莲护老院〔志莲净苑〕
9.When they gather lotus at Nantang in autumn The lotus blooms are higher than their heads;采莲南塘秋,莲花过人头;低头弄莲子,莲子清如水。
10.B. Monet: WaterliliesB.莫奈:《睡莲》
11.The extolling or exaltation of a deity, ruler, or hero.赞颂,颂扬对神、统治者或英雄的颂扬或褒奖
12.pay a compliment to恭维, 夸奖, 颂扬
13.the cult of beauty [peace]对美 [和平] 的歌颂
14.write [deliver] a eulogy of [on]...记载 [陈述] …的颂辞
15.Poets sang the king's praises; they sang of his brave deeds.诗人们赞颂国王,歌颂他的英勇业绩。
16.The part of a choral ode sung while this movement is executed.回舞颂歌回舞时所唱的那部分颂歌
17.To praise highly in speech or writing.称颂用语言或文字大力颂扬
18.A formal eulogistic composition intended as a public compliment.赞颂词正式的颂扬性文章,如公开称赞

1.Comparative Explanation Between "Common Morality" of Song of Shanghai Museum Bamboo Slips and "Grand Morality" of Da Ya;上博简《颂》之“平德”与《大雅》“盛德”对解
1.The Humanities Spirit and Style of Song on the Original State;上古“颂类”文学精神及其体类特征
2.One falls into three categories Feng,Ya and Song,while the other into six Feng,Fu,Bi,Xing,Ya and Song.诗的体裁分类,前人有风、雅、颂三分法,风、赋、比、兴、雅、颂六分法二说。
1.Study on the Lotus Flavonoids Content from Different Spot Extracted with Microwave Method;微波提取莲不同部位黄酮含量的探讨
2.Study on the ABA Content and SOD Activity in Ancient Lotus and Modern Lotus Seeds;古莲子与现代莲子ABA含量和SOD活性的比较研究
3.The exploration of Chinese Han nationality s lotus culture in metaphorical thought;隐喻性思维中汉民族“莲”文化探析
5)Nelumbo nucifera莲
1.PCR,clone and sequence analysis of rDNA-ITS of Nelumbo nucifera from different geographical origins in China;不同来源莲rDNA ITS的PCR扩增、克隆及序列分析
2.Cloning and Sequence Analysis of the Copper-Zinc Superoxide Dismutase cDNA from Nelumbo nucifera;莲铜锌超氧化物歧化酶cDNA的克隆和序列分析
3.DNA preparation method for lotus (Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn.),containg hight polysaccharide;高多糖含量植物——莲DNA的提取方法
6)Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn莲
1.From the viewpoint of ethnobotany, this paper examines the Chinese vocabularies on lotus ( Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn.从民族植物学的角度考察汉语中关于莲(NelumbonuciferaGaertn。
2.The results of studies on the photosynthetic characteristics of chloroplast from lotus (Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn.对莲(Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn。

子由作二颂颂石台长老问公手写莲经字如黑蚁【诗文】:眼前扰扰黑蚍蜉,口角霏霏白唾珠。要识吾师无碍处,试将烧却看嗔无。眼睛心地两虚圆,胁不沾床二十年。谁信吾师非不睡,睡蛇已死得安眠。【注释】:原题:子由作二颂颂石台长老问公手写莲经字如黑蚁且诵万遍胁不至席二十余年予亦作二首【出处】:苏轼诗集 卷十三