1.Xi-The secret recipe prevailing during Qinhan period;——流行于秦汉时期的方术
2.The System of Form and Meaning of Chinese Character XI and JU and Aesthetics Structure of China s Play;汉字“”、“剧”的形义系统和剧文体的美学建构

1.International Theatre Institute国际剧学会(剧学会)
2.A playful skipping or frolicking about.嬉欢快的跳跃、嬉
3.From Southern Opera to Zhengzi Opera and Baizi Opera:a Preliminary View of the Formation of Chaozhou Opera;从南到正字、白字——潮州剧形成轨迹初探
4.A similar game, such as duckpins or ninepins.类似游,如滚球或九柱瓶
5.The art of the theater, especially the writing of plays.剧艺术剧艺术,特别指的写作
6.To tease(someone) good-humoredly.弄,耍无恶意地耍(某人)
7.Hainan's traditional operas include the Qiong Opera and Lingao puppet shows.传统剧有海南,临高木偶等。
8.The Research on the Development of Play-within-a-play in Chinese Classical Dramas;中国古典曲中“”的发展研究
9.Documentation Value of Opera Scripts and "Script-based Approach to Opera Studies"曲剧本的文献价值与“以
10.A trick performed by a magician or juggler;sleight - of - hand.魔术,法魔术师或变法的人用的法;花招
11.A dice game similar to craps.双骰子游类似于双骰子游的一种投骰游
12.They have latest machines and lots of new games.该处(游厅)有最新的游机和许多新游
13.Xiju" and "Xiqu"--Reading Commentary about Wang Guo-wei s Works;也说“剧”与“曲”——读王国维曲论著札记
14.On the "Reversion" of Future Dramas to Nuoyuanxi;试论未来曲向傩愿等祭祀剧的“返祖”
15.Effect of Game Player Experience and Game Difficulty on Playing Results玩家游体验与游难度对游结果的影响
16.conjuring trickph.1. 魔术
17.She thinks she can act."她自以为会演。”
18.Hat Trick of Own Goals乌龙球“帽子法”

local drama troupe土戏戏班
3)the drama in the drama戏中戏
4)Theater game戏剧游戏
5)Inner and Outer of the Drama戏里戏外
6)Children Play is Not Only Play for Children"婴戏"非戏
