
1.Research on the "Super-reality" and Morals of Virtual Technology;虚拟技术的“超现实性”与道德观分析
2.On the Surrealism of the Murder of Wudalang in Jinpinmei;论《金瓶梅》中武大郎被毒杀的超现实性
3.On Modernity: Exceeding the Conflicts between Ideal and Reality;论现代性问题:超越理想与现实的冲突
4.Solid pseudopapillary tumor of the pancreas:imaging features in ultrasound and contrast-enhanced ultrasound胰腺实性假乳头状瘤的超声及超声造影表现
5.Reality Transcendence over Existing in Marxist Philosophy;论马克思主义哲学现实性对现存性的超越
6.Offensive Realism Theory:Its Inheritance and Transcendence进攻性现实主义理论的继承与超越
7.Reality of Life: The Historical Shift that Transcends "Speculative Philosophy";现实生活:超越“思辨哲学”的历史性转向
8.The Realistic Predicament and Rational Choice of Mega-schools;超大规模学校的现实困境与理性选择
9.The Modernization of China Postmortem Checked and Transcended "Modernity";中国现代化实践对“现代性”的检视与超越
10.The aesthetic transcendence of literature and the fetters of practical utility;现代文学的审美超越性与现实功利的羁绊
11.On the Tension between Actuality and Transcendence--An Analysis of Pickering s Theory of Mangle;现实性与超越性的张力——皮克林“冲撞理论”评析
12.A Research on Reality and Transcendence of Tension between the Artistic Perceptions现实性与超越性张力间的艺术感受研究
13.Research on Design and Implement of a Pressure-Time Curve Controlled Superplastic Bulging System;超塑性气压胀形测控系统的设计与实现
14.Studies on Super-Directivity with Realization for Small-Scale Sensor Array;小尺度传感器阵列超指向性研究及实现
15.Understanding Offensive Realism: Heritage, Surpass, Dilemmas and Indications;理解进攻性现实主义:继承、超越、困境和启示
16.The Design and Implementation of Ultrasonic Transducer Detection System;超声波换能器性能检测系统的设计与实现
17.A Brief Talk on Ahead of Time and Tactics of Ideological Education;论思想政治教育的超前性及其实现之策略
18.Design and Implementation of UWB Bandpass Filter with a Frequency Notch Based on HMSIW具有陷波特性的HMSIW超宽带滤波器的设计与实现

conventional explanation for supernormal meaning规约性超常实现
3)realism and historical transcendence现实性与历史超越性
4)surreal expression超现实表现
1.This paper focuses on the necessary factors that composes of a successful advertisement and relative to visual physiology and visual psychology, such as color, activity, succinct composition, surreal expression, humor, stimulation and personality, etc.广告以强化视觉吸引的方式加强其感染力及说服力,视觉吸引的条件包括色彩、动感设计、简洁化、超现实表现、幽默、刺激性、个性特征等。
1.Covering every aspects of life,such as love,desting power,freelom,etc, Chen Kai-ge s The Promise introduces a surrealistic and non-realistic approach to refracting the reality.陈凯歌的《无极》涵盖了爱情、命运、权力、自由等生活中的一切,它采用一种超现实和非现实的方式来折射现实。
1.Jurisprudence Explanation of Yuan Drama Doueyuan——On The Surreal and Substantive Notion of Justice of Ancient Chinese Crowd;元杂剧《窦娥冤》的法理解读——中国古代民众超现实的实质正义观简论
2.The Shakespearean legendary plays are characterized by the surreal factors which can be seen in the following three aspects: the protruding divine description,the overmany haphazard and coincident plots and one s own wishful thinking of pardon and reconciliation.超现实因素是莎士比亚传奇剧的一个显著特征,主要表现在三个方面:异常突出的神力描写;过多的偶然、巧合情节;一厢情愿的宽恕、和解思想。
3.The first appearance of subconsciousness in art work as positive began with surrealism.潜意识第一次以正面的姿态出现在艺术创作中,肇始于超现实主义。
