
1.Re-enchantment of the World: Ecological Transform of Aesthetic Experiences;世界的复魅:试论审美经验的生态学转向
2.Recovered Charm of Image:Ecological Aesthetics of the Documentary Delamu影像的复魅:纪录片《德拉姆》中的生态美学观
3.A Game Among Heaven,Earth,Gods and Human--On the returning of the natural charm with the ecological beauty of the Mengshan Tea as an example;天地神人四方游戏——以蒙山茶的生态美景为例论自然的复魅
4.Beloved as a Polyphonic Novel;论《宠儿》作为一部复调小说的魅力
5.It requires no complicated theories of a preference for authoritarians or personal seduction.并不需要所谓偏爱独裁者或似魅力等复杂理论。
6.The simplicity of storytelling is attractive in such a complicated world.在现在复杂的社会里,简单朴素的特点使这项活动独具魅力。
7.Here, one can experience modern sophistication, nostalgic old-world charm and multiracial magic in a single destination.这里,人们能经历现代的复杂性,怀古的旧世界魅力和多元文化气息。
8.The last is eternally displaying artistic cha rm, which transforms the subject and structural mode from tradition to modernity.复仇文学不断发出永恒的艺术魅力,使复仇的主题模式和结构模式从传统跨入现代的转型。
9.You know what charm is , A way of getting the answer "yes" without having asked any clear question.你知道什么是魅力:一种不用明白地提出问题而能得到肯定答复的办法。
10.Her highly strung temperament made her uncertain.capricious.enchanting(George Bernard Shaw.她极易激动的个性使得她性情多变...反复无常...魅力无穷(乔治 贝尔纳 萧伯纳)。
11.You know what charm is:A way of getting the answer" yes" without having asked any clear question.(A.Camus)你知道什么是魅力:一种不用明白地提出问题而能得到肯定答复的办法。(加谬)
12.The Rational Basis and Shift in Law;神魅、人魅与祛魅——法律的理性基础及其变迁
13.Enclose to,Return to and Imitate the Evil Spirit:Cultural Logic of the Image of Xiangxi;附魅、返魅与仿魅:影像化湘西的文化逻辑
14.the lure of adventure [Paris]冒险 [巴黎] 的魅力
15.Charms of Alliteration;头韵(Alliteration)的魅力
16.To be brilliantly, often deceptively, attractive.有魅力有魅力,常指虚假地,华而不实地
17.From "Disenchantment" to "Reenchantment"-Research on Aesthetic Self-discipline;从“祛魅”到“返魅”—对审美自律性之考察
18.From Disenchantment to Enchantment: The Transformation of Paradigm of Instructional Design;从“祛魅”到“附魅”:教学设计的范式转换

cultrual revitalization文化复魅
3)coruscation of the city's charm城市"复魅"
4)reenchantment of the world复魅世界
5)the enchantment of the nature自然的复魅
1.Moreover,"the enchantment of the nature" is short of maneuverability.作为生态美学重要的哲学———美学原则的“生态中心主义”,潜藏着颠覆“人本位主义”的危险;而作为对自然进行所谓“生态学的重新审视”而提出的“自然的复魅”,也存在着容易导致另一个极端的不良趋势,并且缺乏可操作性。
1.The fascination in different meanings of Chinese reading;汉语阅读中的“歧义”的魅力
2.Those descriptions of music have unique fascination in terms of presentation and content.《老残游记》中多处笔法奇绝的音乐描写显示了作者刘鹗卓越的艺术手腕,《老残游记》的音乐描写在艺术手法及表现内容等方面呈现出与众不同的独特魅力。
3.The most noteworthy fascination of his educational theory covers: the basis of human ideology of the interaction in relation to environment; the purpose of the ideology of children s emancipation; the strong emphasis on practice and his masterstroke on the specialization of instruction.其教育理论的魅力在于:人与环境交互作用的思想根基;儿童解放的思想宗旨;理论具有强烈的实践性;教学专业化的思想主线。
