1.Miraculous Death and Immortal Magic;神奇的死亡 永远的魔幻
2.The legends concerning him are miraculous.吴勉是明代侗族农民起义军的首领,经过数百年来的口碑传说,吴勉被描述成了一个非常神奇的人物。

1.Known as a @miracle worker@, Bora Milutinovic,被称为“神奇教练”的博拉?米卢蒂诺维奇,
2.Wonder Worker@ Milu Seeks Fifth Wonder“神奇教练”米卢欲创第五次奇迹
3.This was a magic potion.这是一种神奇药水,
4.This magic apple will cure her.这神奇的苹果能治好她。
5.supernatural forces and occurrences and beings.神奇的力量、事件和生命。
6.an uncanny ability to foresee the future预见未来的神奇本领
7.possesses fantastic moisturizing properties具有神奇的保湿功能
8.The witch began to make the magic potion.巫婆开始调配神奇药水。
9.the divinity of Beethoven's music贝多芬乐曲的神奇力量
10."How wonderful it all seems, and how beautiful!“真是太神奇、太美妙了!
11.The treatment works like magic.这种疗法功效神奇
12.Say Something, Dummy!隔空传音的神奇腹语术
13.a magical effect不可思议的神奇效果
14.an imaginary land inhabited by tiny people (in Swift's Gulliver's Travels).小人居住的神奇的小岛。
15.Unnaturally strange and frightening; eerie.奇异的,神秘的非自然的神奇和害怕的;怪异的
16.One Magic Nation and One Wondrous Folk--A Comparison between the Jewish and the Hakka Spirits;一个神奇的民族和一个神奇的民系——犹太精神与客家精神之比较
17.Genies in Arabic stories all have strange powers.阿拉伯故事中的神魔都有神奇的魔力。
18.a story about mythical or supernatural beings or events.神化故事或者神奇人物的故事。

3)Strange and magic神奇奥秘
4)cultivate following the natural laws不神不奇
5)magic charm神奇魅力
6)secluded natural scenery幽秀神奇
1.Its secluded natural scenery, its relating humane culture, its scenic spots and historical sites, and its inspiring legends are appreciated in the ancient Chinese civilization.其幽秀神奇的自然景色和附丽于其中的人文景观、名胜遗迹、人物传奇,称誉中华古文明。
