1.In film-video works, the voiceover is expected to express and sculpture the out space of the film, and to enrich the quantity of the information of the scene.在影视作品中 ,画外音应起到展示、塑造影片的画外空间 ,丰富镜头的信息量。

1.In the voiceover there are many forms as sounds, aside, monologue and explanation out of the frames.画外音有多种表现形式,如来自画面外的声音、白、白、说等。
2.The sound of TV advertising mainly has the sound out of the picture,language of characters,music and resonance.电视广告中的声音主要有画外音、人物语言、音乐和音响。
3.OS: Harry escaped from Jack as quickly as possible.画外音:哈利以最快的速度逃离了杰克。
4.In film-video works, the voiceover is expected to express and sculpture the out space of the film, and to enrich the quantity of the information of the scene.在影视作品中,画外音应起到展示、造影片的画外空间,丰富镜头的信息量。
5.Forrest Gump: (Voice-over) ④Mama always had a way of explaining things so I could understand them.阿甘:(画外音)妈妈总是有办法把事情解释得让我明白。
6.Katherine Watson [voiceover]: Dear Betty, I came to Wellesley because I wanted to make a difference.凯瑟琳[画外音]:亲爱的贝蒂,我来卫斯理是因为我想突破创新。
7.In this special edition, the director has removed the voice-over narration, as well as the up ending.在这个特别版本中,导演去除了画外音,就象去掉振奋的结局一样。
8.Alexander Kerner: [voiceover] My mother outlived the GDR by three days.亚历山大·肯纳:(画外音)我的母亲比德意志民主共和国多活了三天。
9.Noyle: [voiceover] Now, when you are rescued and returned with your patrol to command headquarters, what will be among the first of your duties that you will undertake?诺伊尔:(画外音)现在,当你被营救并送回司令部,你要履行的第一项职责是什么?
10.No one brings you here. You come here on your own. It is normal to miss your home.画外音:没有人带你来,是你自己要回来的,一个人离开家太久了总是想要回来的!
11.Forrest Gump: (Voice-over) She had got the cancer and died on a Tuesday. I bought her a new hat with little flowers on it.阿甘:(画外音)她得了癌症,在星期二去世了。我给她买了顶缀满小花的新帽子。
12.Mary Alice: (V.O) Since her modeling days in New York, Gabrielle had developed a taste for rich food and rich men.玛丽.爱丽斯:(画外音)在纽约当模特的生活滋长了嘉百莉追随美食和大款的兴趣。
13.In addition, I like it also because it offers me not only lively voices but colorful scenes.除此之外,它不仅能提供艳丽的画面还能提供动听的声音。
14.It was so still that he could hear the turning of pages in the next room as his son leafed through a picture book.房间格外寂静,连他儿子在隔壁房间翻动连环画的声音都能听到。
15.Other paintings depict Chinese and foreign musical performances, dancing and acrobatics.其它绘画描绘了中国和外国的音乐,舞蹈和杂技表演。
16.Besides director, Li Dandan commits herself to paintings and plays. Li Dandan is also the opera coach of Central Conservatory of Music.除导演外,致力于油画创作,剧本创作,在中央音乐学院担任歌剧指导。
17.painting, music, arithmetic, and the like绘画、音乐、算术等等
18.I love painting, tennis and pop music.我喜欢画画,打网球和流行音乐。

3)record voice-over录制画外音
1.Some Features Of Sergey Rakhmaninov s Etudes Tableauxi, Op.33;与拉赫玛尼诺夫《音画练习曲》Op.33有关的一些特点
5)picture out picture(POP)画外画
6)music background音画意境
1.The Kunqu is the best music background of Chinese classic gardens, and has many same characters at that time.提出了昆曲是最适合中国古典园林的音画意境,体现着人文思想和园林文化的精髓。

画外音  电影中声源不在画面内,即不是由画面中人或物体直接发出的声音。它是电影艺术的一种有效表现手段,一种重要的叙事、抒情的艺术方法。有助于变化影片镜头和交代有关情景。其特点是声音与其发声体可能同在一个空间,却不在同一画面里。电影中画外音的运用,是以人们感知外界事物的听觉特点为依据的。画外音是声音的画外运用,是声音作为独立的艺术元素的突出表现。画外音的主要美学特征,在于它突破了镜头的限制,打破了画幅四框的界限,把电影的表现空间扩展到镜头和画面之外。它以声音代替形像,以无形表现有形,丰富了画面内容,加强了艺术力量。它与画面内的形像和声音互相补充、互相衬托,造成种种蒙太奇效果。画外音能够造成真实的声音环境,烘托和渲染气氛,给场景以实感。为强调、说明电影画面的某种意义而出现的解说与旁白,也可称为画外音(见电影的声音)。