1.The Influence of Scar Painting——On the Beauty of Youth of He Duoling's Oil Painting伤痕的后遗——论何多苓油画的青春美

1.A mark raised on the skin, as by a whip;a weal or welt.伤痕皮肤上隆起的痕记,如鞭痕;条状鞭痕或条痕
2.an ugly wound, gash,scar, etc丑陋的伤口、 刀伤、 伤痕
3.leave a scar or scars on(sb)给(某人)留下伤痕
4.A scar may overgrow into a ke1oid.伤痕可能变得过大而成为瘢痕疙瘩。
5.The table was all scratched up.桌子被弄得伤痕累累。
6.disfigure one's face by a deep cut深深的伤痕使脸很难看
7.He showed me the mark of the wound.他让我看了看伤痕
8.Her hand was seamed with wounds.她的手上留下了伤痕
9.It made a scar on the table.它于桌面上留下伤痕
10.A child's flesh bruises easily.小孩的皮肉易显出伤痕
11.Although badly bruised on both face and body, he had broken no bones.脸上身上虽见伤痕, 并未伤筋动骨。
12.And holds me like a baby when I'm hurt.在我受伤时帮我抚平伤痕
13.Is the obvious trace on the blade in the third pic the scar?图片3中条子上的那个明显的痕迹是伤痕吗?
14.Trauma distribution indicates a horizontal impact with the water.伤痕的分布显示受到了水的水平冲击
15.Remove the scratches on the hook point using a fine emery paper.请用细砂纸或锉刀研磨旋梭尖的伤痕
16.Know that I bear the scars of one who has traveled the Planes.知道我带著于诸界间旅行者的伤痕
17.Scar: Mark left on the skin after a wound heals.瘢痕: 伤口愈合后残留在皮肤上的瘢痕。
18.10 Cases of Burn Scar Treated with MEBO Scar Lotion疤痕平治疗10例烧伤后疤痕的体会

score[英][sk?:][美][sk?r, skor]刻痕,伤痕
3)postburn scar烧伤瘢痕
1.The clinical application of expanded super-thin flap for postburn scars on face;扩张的超薄皮瓣分区修复颜面部烧伤瘢痕
4)Stamping damage冲压伤痕
5)scar beauty伤痕美
6)scar literature伤痕文学
1."Scar literature" began in the late seventies and early eighties had been regarded as the beginning of new era .“伤痕文学”作为新时期文学的一种形式,在文学发展的历史中起到了承前启后的转折性作用。
2.The profound meaning of scar literature lies in its literature critique and negation of cultural revolution as a pioneer,which makes it the first time walk in front of politics,showing the wakening of literary self-consciousness,the establishment of the literature dignity,the shaping of the self-personality and the returning of the literary nature.伤痕文学的深层面的意义在于:它率先对文化大革命作出了文学的批判与否定,这使它首次走在政治的前面,这表明了文学自我意识的觉醒、文学尊严的树立、自我人格的塑造和文学本质的回归。
