1.A study on the train and using of feet movement in basketball playing as a specially selected course in universities;对高校篮球专选课中脚步动作的教学训练与运用的探讨

1.Having a ponderous, lumbering gait.脚步沉重的,步态笨拙的
2.Her feet go down to death; her steps take hold on hell.他的脚,下入死地。他脚步,踏住阴间。
3.Her feet go down to death; her steps lead straight to the grave.她的脚,下入死地。她脚步,踏住阴间。
4.The puppy cocked its ear at the sound of footsteps.小狗竖起耳朵听脚步声。
5.I ran as fast as I could to school.加紧脚步飞奔到学校。
6.There was no thumping of feet behind me.我的身后没听到脚步声。
7.he heard footsteps on the porch.他上楼的脚步声很重。
8.All at once I stopped short.突然我停住了脚步
9.I noticed my foot was going to go over the foul line.我注意到脚步会超线,
10.The fancy footwork of a figure skater.花样溜冰者娴熟的脚步
11.caves that reflect the noise of footsteps;脚步声在洞中发出回声;
12.There was a tramp of heavy boots outside.外面一阵沉重的脚步声。
13.his tired heavy-footed walk.他疲惫、沉重的脚步
14."Steps approach--I go--adieu."“有脚步声!我走啦再会
15.walk with an exhausted shuffle拖着疲惫不堪的脚步走.
16.The daughter halted, frowning.女儿停住脚步,皱皱眉头。
17.I listened for a footstep.我留心听着脚步声。
18.The sound of his footsteps died away.他的脚步声逐渐消失了。

pace movement脚步动作
1.On pace movement training of special enrolled students with basketball skills;对高校篮球特招生脚步动作训练的探讨
2.In order to improue the defending ability and expand the defending range, training should be strengthened in defending pace movement .提高运动页的防守能力,扩大其防守的控制范围,需要在防守的脚步动作、正确的选位、适时的干扰、伸缩及防守的基本姿势等方面,加强对运动员的训练与培养。
1.This paper designs a step-forward pneumatic climbing robot by means of vacuum pads which can move on flat surfaces,especially vertical plane walls with the features of simplicity and flexibility.介绍了根据真空吸附原理,设计的一个能在垂直墙面上,通过脚步行进方式,在4个方向上垂直移动的爬墙机器人及其控制系统。
4)footstep planning脚步规划
1.In the question of on-line control for biped robot to step over dynamic obstacle,the learning time of footstep planning and gait pattern training is a crucial problem.在双足机器人跨越动态障碍物的在线控制问题中,脚步规划和步态控制的学习时间是关键问题;提出了一种将机器人的步态控制和脚步规划分别独立设计的控制策略;步态控制目的是产生关节点轨迹并控制对理想轨迹的跟踪,考虑到双足机器人关节点轨迹的不连续性,应用小脑模型连接控制CMAC记忆特征步态的关节点轨迹;脚步规划的控制目标是通过对环境的视觉感知预测机器人的运动路径,算法是基于无需对动态环境精确建模的模糊Q学习算法;仿真结果表明该控制策略的可行性,并且可以有效缩短在线学习时间。
6)foot pressure脚步压力

Crede动作排尿Crede动作排尿〗Crede动作排尿】〖WTBZ〗〓〖HT5”SS〗(Crede urination method  为无收缩膀胱,尿道括约肌又关闭不良的骶神经功能障碍患者的一种手压排尿方法。用双手四指或一手半握拳向耻骨联合后方挤压膀胱,同时增加腹压排尿。操作前应作膀胱造影了解有无输尿管反流。