1.By analyzing the difficulties of system realization and combining high performance broadband information network(3TNet) architecture and IPTV service model,this paper proposes a design scheme of IPTV multi-display monitor system to solve the problem of monitoring the quality in IPTV environment.针对网络电视监控这一新业务,通过分析系统实现的诸多难点,结合高性能宽带信息网(3Tnet)网络架构和网络电视(IPTV)服务模型,提出IPTV多画面监控系统的设计方案,以解决IPTV环境下电视播出质量监控困难的难题,为IPTV运营商提供了便利。

1.A single pictorial composition made by juxtaposing or superimposing many pictures or designs.画面剪辑由许多画面或图样并列或叠化而成的一个图画作品
2.Design and Realization of Multi-picture Display in Digital Television;数字电视接收机视频多画面显示的设计与实现
3.Research of the Multi-picture Video Monitoring System Design Based on TMS320DM642基于TMS320DM642的多画面视频监控系统设计的研究
4.The picture is much clearer with the new aerial.装上新天线后画面清晰多了.
5.and faces are but a gallery of pictures;许多的面目也仅仅是一列图画;
6.the tapestry of world history.世界历史的丰富多彩的画面
7.Whoa!! Tackled by a girl! Bet ya don’t see that everyday, do ya?哦! 被女生阻截了,这种画面不多见吧?
8.Multimedia Semantic Retrieval of Cartoon-Objected Material;面向卡通动画素材的多媒体语义检索
9.Multi Points of View in the Characterization of《Lei Yu》;论《雷雨》在刻画人物方面的多重视角
10.Fixed the proportion mistakes in the arm and gave her more cushion in the back. I then started to work in the details in her face.修正手臂的错误和在背面画上更多的阴影后,我开始画脸部细节。
11.In the voiceover there are many forms as sounds, aside, monologue and explanation out of the frames.画外音有多种表现形式,如来自画面外的声音、白、白、说等。
12.Stone reliefs in Sichuan Province were cut into rectangular stones and some pictures were drawn vertically.四川的画像石形制多为长方形,有的以数条组合为一个宽阔的画面,
13.His painting technic provided example to posterity.在绘画技巧方面,他给后人提供了许多借鉴。
14.By the end of the 1980s, Chinese oil painting had taken on considerable variety.到80年代末,中国油画出现了空前的多样化局面。
15.A madman mutilate the painting by cut hole in it.有个疯子破坏了那幅画,在上面捅了许多窟窿。
16.These pictures would have been both landscapes and figure-pieces, the latter, however, would have been the more numerous.这些画面上有风景,也有人物,然而后者更多一些。
17.They don't show much taste in choosing pictures.他们在挑选绘画方面没有表现出多少鉴赏能力。
18.Constructing Multicomponcnt Phase Diagram According to the Boundary Theory of Phase Diagram应用相图边界理论勾画多元恒温截面相图

colourful picture多彩画面
1.Seeing through The Roar of a Lion, a literary and art supplement, in Singapore and Malaysia, we can throb with the pulse of Chinese literature development era before World War Ⅱas well as have a keen insight into the winding course and colourful picture of literary movement which transformed from actively initiating native or popular literature to holding the national patriotic literary flag.透视《狮声》这一文艺副刊 ,可以准确地把握二战前新马华文文学发展的时代脉搏 ,洞察战前新马文学运动从力倡本土文学、大众文学转向高扬民族爱国主义文学旗帜的曲折历程和多彩画面。
3)multi-image display多画面显示
4)continuous presence多画面合成
1.A method to implement continuous presence in pixel field;一种在像素域内实现多画面合成的方法
5)multi-view processing多画面处理
1.Aiming at the characteristics of multi-view processing,it gives the implementation of key technologies such as signal conditioning,image scaling and image segmentation.提出一种基于现场可编程门阵列的多画面处理器设计方法。
6)picture composition in multimedia多媒体画面构成

多苯基多亚甲基多异氰酸酯 多苯基多亚甲基多异氰酸酯,简称PAPI,或称粗MDI,浅黄色至褐色粘稠液体.有刺激性气味。相对密度(20℃/20 ℃)1.2,燃点218℃。PAPI实际上是由50%MDI与50%官能度大于2以上的多异氰酸酯组成的混合物。升温时能发生自聚作用。溶于氯苯、邻二氯苯、甲苯等。PAPI的活性低,蒸气压低,只是TDI的百分之一,故毒性很低。 用于制造聚氨脂胶粘剂。也可直接加入橡胶胶粘剂中,改善橡胶与尼龙或聚酯线的粘接性能。贮存于阴凉、通风、干燥的库房内,远离火种、热源。严格防水、防潮,避免光照。