1.A Designed Encounter:Cicheng High school Design Concept;被设计的邂逅——慈城中学的设计概念和原则

1.I rubbed up against him in the street yesterday.昨天我在街上与他邂逅
2.Many years were to pass before we met up again.过了许多年我们才再度邂逅
3.a casual encounter, meeting, visit, etc邂逅、 不期而遇、 不意的拜访.
4.To come upon by chance or arrangement.遇见,碰见邂逅或经安排而见面
5.an incidental meeting of a former teacher on a bus在公共汽车上与过去一位老师的邂逅
6.Others say they wish they could meet people by chance.也有人表示他们希望与人随缘邂逅
7.A fortunate encounter brought us together.一次幸运的邂逅使我们相识。
8.Helen and Joseph bumped into each other in London three years ago.海伦和约瑟三年前在伦敦彼此邂逅
9.Encounter Antiquity: Deciphering James Legge s Translation of Shooking;与古典的邂逅:解读理雅各的《尚书》译本
10.The Criticism and Defence After the "Meet by Chance" of the Law and the Economics;法律与经济学“邂逅”之后的批评与辩护
11.A Predeterminate Encounter - about Rorty and Kundera;注定的一场邂逅——读昆德拉和罗蒂有感
12.Yu Dafu Meets Kawa Hasi on the Way of Sadness;郁达夫和川端康成:邂逅于“悲哀”之径
13.My father met my mother in a poker game.我的父亲和母亲是在一次打牌时邂逅的。
14.Tucking away the photos, she prepared to say goodbye to this man she had encountered by chance.她收好了照片,打算和这邂逅的青年告别。
15.for, in that brief interval, she had sinned anew.因为在这短暂的邂逅中,她又重新犯了罪。
16."Such an interview, perhaps, would have been more terrible than even to meet him as she now did,"或许,在另外一种场合同他邂逅要益发可怕。
17.Enjoy the moment and it may just lead to an indefinite relationship.享受这美妙的时刻吧,它会带给你一段邂逅
18.This reminded her of an entrepreneur she had met recently,这番话让女记者想起她最近邂逅的一位实业家。

encounter in the society江湖邂逅
3)cute meet浪漫的邂逅
4)Encountering An Yiru邂逅安意如
5)an accidental meeting偶然的相遇,邂逅
6)a chance meeting with a friend.与一位朋友邂逅。
