1.The compilation of shooting script and its application in educational films;分镜头脚本的编写及在编制教学片中的应用

1.continuity writer分镜头电影剧本作者
2.A detailed script or scenario consulted to avoid discrepancies from shot to shot in a film.分镜头剧本一种为避免电影中镜头间的不相符而查阅详尽的电影剧本或分镜头剧本
3."The script used in the making of a film is the shooting script. During the course of film production the script may undergo many changes at the hands of the director, the cameraman, and the film editor. "拍片用的剧本称为分镜头剧本。在拍摄过程中.导演、摄影师和剪辑师可能要多次修改分镜头剧本。
4.air-spaced double anastigmat双分离对称消像散镜头
5.four-barrel step and repeat camera四镜头分步重复照相机
6.convertible lens并合镜头,通常是指称式镜头,可分开使用
7.They appear, they disappear.镜头闪现,镜头又消失了。
8.a telephoto lens远距照相镜头, 摄远镜头
9.Scenes that might offend a viewer's delicacy.可能会触犯过分敏感的观众的镜头
10.one shot camera分光摄影机,单镜头摄像机
11.Parts of the film were shown again in slow motion.这部影片的有些部分用慢镜头重映。
12.Shot Segmentation Technology by Using Machine Learning on Compressed Domain基于机器学习的压缩域镜头分割技术
13.Diagnosis and Analysis of 200 Cases Pathological Nipple Discharge by Breast Fiberoptic Ductoscopy;200例乳头溢液乳管内视镜诊断分析
14.Method of Highlights Analysis from Soccer Video;足球比赛视频中的精彩镜头分析方法
15.Design of a Compactness and High Resolution Lens System for Mobile Phone结构简洁、高分辨率手机镜头的设计
16.Algorithm of Shot Boundary Detection Based on Singular Value Decomposition视频镜头边界检测中奇异值分解算法
17.Modified Method of Shot Segmentation on Video Storage视频存储中一种改进的镜头分割方法
18.Video segment algorithm using average divergence histogram基于均值散度直方图的镜头分割算法

shot segmentation镜头分割
1.In this paper, an algorithm for video shot segmentation (VSSB) is proposed.将镜头分割引入压缩编码,针对分割镜头特性确定适当的编码器及参数,能够提高视频压缩编码的效率·为此,提出了一种基于对分查找的镜头分割算法(VSSB)以及关键帧频率计算公式·其算法的核心是通过对分查找形成二叉树,同时通过广度优先搜索寻找分割点,具有O(logn)的时间复杂性·针对实时应用,采用了双阈值比较的镜头分割算法,能够较好地实现镜头切变和渐变的检测·基于镜头分割算法,建立并实现了并行方式的编解码系统模型·实验证明,基于镜头分割的编码方法能够提高压缩比,缩短压缩编码时间,有利于改善重建图像质量
2.To overcome the interference produced by illumination changing and movement during shot detection,this paper proposed a new method for shot segmentation.同时采取有效的虚假镜头分割分析机制以减少图像快速变化的影响。
3.In this paper,we mainly discuss semantic structure of content based video by shot segmentation and classification.本文从镜头分割和分类分析了视频内容的语义结构。
3)shot classification镜头分类
1.Classified by the characters of shots for soccer video,a color and edge distribution based shot classification method is presented.针对足球视频镜头的特点,提出了一种基于颜色与边缘分布的视频镜头分类方法。
2.We present a new method to partition long shot and medium shot in shot classification.我们在镜头分类中对中远镜头的区分提出了新的方法。
3.It includes some novel low-level algorithms, such as shot boundary detection, shot classification, slow-motion detection algorithms, and high-level algorithms, the goal detection algorithms based on the cinematic template.视频首先经过镜头分割模块,然后分别进行镜头分类和慢镜头检测,最后依据镜头类型和慢镜头是否满足电影模板定义的条件,检测精彩镜头。
4)shot segmentation镜头切分
1.Approach for shot segmentation using MPEG compressed data;基于 MPEG 国际标准压缩视频流的镜头切分算法
5)shot detection镜头分割
1.The shot detection is the basis of video indexing in MPEG-7.镜头分割是MPEG-7中视频检索的基本步骤。
6)shot boundary detection镜头分割
1.Video shot boundary detection is under global concern as the first step of all kinds of video processing.视频镜头分割作为视频处理的第一步,一直受到学者的关注和重视,数十年来已提出了大量的算法。
2.CBCD schemes measure the distance between signatures extracted from the original media and a possible copy, which contains shot boundary detection, key frames detection, video signatures extraction and distance measure.它主要包含了镜头分割、关键帧检测、视频特征提取、特征值距离测量四部分内容。

分镜头fenjingtou分镜头continuity planning  见分镜头剧本。