
1.a nifty little gadget for peeling potatoes削土豆皮的小巧的工具.
2.Gadgets considered as a group.机件小巧机械的总称
3.an artful little gadget for opening tins小巧玲珑的开罐头工具.
4.It was a bijou residence.这间居室小巧雅致。
5.A small mechanical device or control;a gadget.小装置,小机械小的机械装置或控制;小巧的机械
6.bijou villas; can Americans be persuaded to pay out dollars for bijou cars?小巧精致的别墅;能说服美国人为小巧精致的汽车付钱吗?
7.He enjoys reading in his den.他喜欢在他的幽静小巧的书房里看书。
8.Cathy: It looks very compact and stylish but how easy is it to use?凯西:看来很小巧时髦,但容易使用吗?
9.The boy happened to be seeing the play.那小孩碰巧在看戏。
10.cookies containing chocolate chips.夹巧克力片的小甜饼。
11.chocolate coin (L,M and S)大、中、小金币形巧克力
12.an artful performance on the violin技巧娴熟的小提琴演奏
13.A bar of moist, usually chocolate cake with nuts.果仁巧克力小方块蛋糕
14.an ingenious device, gadget, etc精巧的装置、 小机械等.
15.So Miss Hen took the chocolate pie and gave it to the baby chick.所以母鸡小姐拿出巧克力派给小鸡.
16.The child's skill is wonderful for his age.这个孩子小小年纪, 技巧令人称奇.
17....may have stumbled onto a trinket of value....碰巧发现了一件小小的宝贝.
18.life's little ironies人生的小小讽刺性的因缘奇巧合

Novel skills小说技巧
4)short novel writing skills小小说技巧
5)reading tips阅读小技巧
6)metafictional techniques元小说技巧
1.Fowles has masterly manipulated the metafictional techniques to enunciate the motif of the novel—freedom.本文着眼于元小说技巧运用的另一大作用:引导读者获得前所未有的阅读自由。

小巧1.小聪明;小技巧。 2.小而灵巧。 3.指精细巧妙。