1.Criticizing and inheriting paternalism theory in course of medical law;医事法学课程中对父权主义理论的批判与继承

1.The Patriarchalism in English Political Culture during the 16th and 17th Centuries;16、17世纪英国政治文化中的父权主义
2.The Snare under Affection and Love --Disconrse Analysis on Patriarchy in The Awakening with Fe minist Approach;温情下的陷阱——浅论《觉醒》对父权主义话语的解读
3.Eveline and Maria--Victim of Patriarchy伊芙琳和玛利亚——父权主义的牺牲品(英文)
4.The process telling the story of a no-name woman( Kingston's aunt) is, at the same time, the rebellion and struggle against the patriarchal and racial society.把一个无名女人(姑)故事告诉读者的过程,同时也是对父权主义和种族主义反抗和斗争的过程。
5.Agunah,Patriarchal Theology, Post─patriarchal Theology──Reading the Ancient Works of Judaism from the Aspect of Feminism阿戈娜·父权制神学·后父权制神学──对犹太典籍的女权主义解读
6.Patriarchy Culture and Feminist Psychology in the West西方父权制文化与女性主义心理学
7.My father was a strict authoritarian.我父亲是绝对的权力主义者.
8.Post-patriarchical Society on Post-modernist Feminist Model of Society;后父权制社会——后现代女权主义的理想模式述评
9.Patriarch and Critique of Modern Capitalism──Feminism Through the Theoretical Perspective;父权制与当代资本主义批判──女权主义的理论透视
10.The Deconstruction of the Patriarchal Binary Oppositions:A Feminist Analysis of The Color Purple;父权二元世界的解构——《紫色》的女性主义解读
11.A Criticism of the Patriarchy in the Heaven:A Review of the Feminist Theology of the West揭示天国中的父权制——西方女权主义神学思想述评
12.The Victims of Patriarchal System--Analysis of Hester and Francesca;父权制度下的牺牲品——从女权主义角度谈海斯特与弗朗西斯卡
13.Man s Feebleness and the Overturn of Patriarchy──The feminism rebutment of Marriages to Awaken Common People;男性弱质与父权秩序的倾覆──《醒世姻缘传》的女权主义批评
14.Rearranged founding father of Republic of China Mr.Y.S.Sun's quote.中华民国国父孙中山先生的三民主义应是民生民权民主.
15.An Elegy for Patriarchal Culture--Interpretation of the Feminism in Zhang Ailin s Novels;一曲父权文化的挽歌——张爱玲小说的女性主义解读
16.Subversion and Deconstruction of Patriarchy--On Wang Anyi s Feminist Works;对父权秩序的顽强颠覆和解构——谈王安忆的女性主义创作
17.Women s Self-fulfillment Against Patriarchal Figures: A Feminist Study on Jane Eyre;在反抗父权制过程中女性的自我实现——关于《简·爱》的女性主义研究
18.A Voice against Patriarchy and for Self-identity--On the Thematic Meaning of the "Singing" Image in The Color Purple;一种反抗父权和寻找自我的声音——论《紫颜色》中“歌唱”意象的主题意义

soft paternalism软父权主义
3)Patriarchal framework父权主义构建
4)feudal patriarchic image封建父权主义形象
1.The paper s analysis shows:(1)Due to paternalism of chinese government,government concerns not only economic interest,but also social politic benefit,so government always prefer to recredit rather than liquidating.本文基于博弈论和预算软约束理论,从三个视角对国有银行的巨额不良资产进行了分析,研究表明,由于政府的父爱主义,其不仅关注投融资的经济效益,还关注所产生的社会政治收益,因此,政府总是偏好给陷入困境的企业实施再融资而不是破产清算;由于国有银行治理结构的缺陷,银行经理存在严重的代理问题,其在贷款决策中存在寻租等机会主义行为,导致贷款对象的平均质量下降,信贷风险大大提高;由于对企业实施严格的破产政策会导致很大的外部性而产生过高的清算成本,使得银行偏好给陷于困境的企业实施再融资解救而不是清算。
2.Because people have be confused with the difference between paternalism and patriarchism for many years, the theorists always try to avoid talking about the paternalistic behavior.防止人们彼此伤害已经不足以提供国家干预个人生活的正当理由,为了个人的利益对个人涉己行为进行干预是一种父爱主义的理由。
3.Technical features and legal formism are the products of the law focusing on man and shows the legal paternalism.技术化特征和法律形式主义是以男性为中心的法律的产物,表现为立法的父爱主义。
6)white supremacist capitalist patriarchy白人至上的资本主义父权制
