
1.Cezanne,A Truly Realm in the Painting--From the Visual to the Soul;塞尚绘画的真实观:从表象真实到本质真实
2.Pursuit of Iiterary Truthfulness--On the literary authenticity of vanguard novels;真实的追寻——析先锋小说的真实观
3.On the naturalistic reality conception of the Actual literature in the new period;论新时期纪实文学的自然主义真实观
4.Indeterminate Authenticity of Alain Robbe-Grillet s Novels;阿兰·罗伯—格里耶小说的不确定真实观
5.The Standards of Proof --Objective Authenticity, Legal Authenticity and Substantial Authenticity;证明标准——客观真实、法律真实与实体真实
6.Neither the Theory of Objective Truth Nor the Theory of Legal Truth Is Tenable;非此非彼的“客观真实说”与“法律真实说”
7.a concept whose truth can be proved.真实性可以证明的观念。
8.Truth with Humanity;具有人性的真理观——普特南内在实在论真理观
9.Logic Considerations on "Objective Truth"--On Legal Truth;对"客观真实说"的理性思考——兼论法律真实
10.Carrying Out The View Of Scientific Development And Carrying on The Spirit OF Seeking Truth From Facts;落实科学发展观与弘扬求真务实精神
11.On the controversy between “the Theory of Objective Truth” and “the Theory of Legal Truth”;标准之争,抑或观念之争?——对“客观真实论”与“法律真实论”之争的冷思考
12.The True Emotion Bridging Film and Audience真实的情感是沟通电影与观众的真正桥梁
13.The Perspectives of Procedural Rationality and Substantive Rationality Of True Accounting Information;会计信息真实之程序理性观与结果理性观
14.The Research of Interface s Authenticity of Cityscape Planning;城市景观设计的底界面“真实性”研究
15.Research and Implementation on Structure and Pattern Imitation of Woven Fabric;机织物外观与结构仿真的研究与实现
16."Idea of Historical Reality" and New Changement of Contemporary Historical Novel;“历史真实”观与当代历史小说新变
17.The Real Implication of Confucius s Righteousness-Benefit View and its Revelation for Modern Times;孔子义利观的真实意蕴及其现代启示
18.The Impact of Subjective Factors on the Truth of TV News;主观性因素对电视新闻真实性的影响

objective truth客观真实
1.On Analysis of Objective Truth and Legal Truth;客观真实、法律真实辨析——在社会主义法治理念视野下
2.Finally the article verifies the hypothesis - " objective truth" standard with tight reasoning from logic.最终以严密的逻辑推理证实假没-“客观真实”标准的真伪,借此反驳“事实清楚,证据确实、充分”的“客观真实”标
3.As a judicial ideal, objective truth should not be the proving requirement but the proving goal.长期以来,民事诉讼中以"客观真实"为证明要求具有明显局限性,确立以"法律真实"为证明要求因其现实意义、可操作价值而更具合理性。
3)Objective Reality客观真实
1.On the application of high degree probability s proof standard——A reflection upon proof standard of objective reality;试论高度盖然性证明标准的适用——基于对客观真实证明标准的思考
2.For a long time past,there was in the theoretical circles a dispute between two evidence standards:"objective reality" and "legal reality".我国民事诉讼法对于民事诉讼的证明标准没有明确规定 ,长期以来理论界一直有“客观真实”和“法律真实”两种证明标准之争 ,随着法学理论研究不断深入 ,人们从民事诉讼证明的相对性、“客观真实”标准的局限性、“法律真实”标准的可行性 ,重新认识 ,逐渐接受“法律真实”标准。
3.However, under the circumstance that theory of legal reality is becoming more and more emphasized, much attention should be specially paid to the purchase of objective reality.不过,在当前法律真实论愈益广受青睐的语境下,特别需要强调对客观真实的足够重视和不懈追求。
4)Micro authenticity微观真实
5)Macro authenticity宏观真实
6)subjective reality主观真实
1.The philosophical effect of absurd theatre is a kind of subjective reality and it s absurd expression.本文以尤内斯库的名剧《犀牛》为例,第一部分简要介绍了该剧作的创作特点,第二部分重点分析了荒诞派将西方戏剧传统的"净化"的功能转变为以体验为主的教化功能,其追求的是一种心理的主观真实和外在的荒谬表达。
2.Movie and TV drama is really not a simple entertainment behavior to narrate and communicate the history cognition and it is related to recipient s subjective reality.影视剧对历史认知意识的叙事和传播,并不是一个简单的娱乐行为,它关系到接受者的主观真实的建立。

不自观音,以观观者【不自观音,以观观者】  不自观音者,谓不随声尘所起知见也。以观观者,谓返照自性也。不起知见,则无所妄;返照自性,则一切真寂,无复苦恼。故令受苦众生,蒙此真观,即得解脱,是为无畏。经云:观其音声,即得解脱。是也。