1.Text analysis is adopted in this thesis,focusing on majestic vice and foolishness of heroes.采用文本分析法,分析了男主人公痞相傻气的言行特征。

1.barmy on the crumpet[俚]头脑不正常, 傻里傻气
2.Don't make an ass of yourself as to guess so.别傻里傻气地这么猜想。
3.Send a fool to France, and a fool he will return again .傻瓜送到法兰西,回国仍旧带傻气
4.Be quiet. Don”t keep on asking such silly questions.安静点。别老问这些傻里傻气的问题。
5.He didn't want to appear a fool.他不愿意显得那么傻气
6.(of an adult)(behaving)like a child;immature;silly(指成人)(举止)像孩子的,幼稚的,傻里傻气
7.Dick looked rather pale and foolish when he glanced at the direction.迪克面色苍白,傻里傻气地向着那个方向注视。
8.Why fool around with a lock when you can smash the door down?既然你能把门砸开,干吗要傻里傻气地摆弄锁呢?
9.I hate to say it but our secretary is kind of a bimbo.我尽管不太想说,但秘书确实有点傻里傻气
10.Basically,they are unreliable and goofy.基本上,他们就是既靠不住又傻里傻气的。
11.I hate to see you standing about by yourself in this stupid manner.我不愿看到你独个儿这么傻里傻气地站在这儿。
12.Dawted [= petted] daughters make daidling [= silly ]wives.娇生惯养的姑娘,只会成为傻里傻气的婆娘.
13.He just sits there gawping at the television all day!他整天坐在那儿傻里傻气张著大嘴看电视!
14.He swims in the sea in winter he ought to have his head examined!他冬天在海里游泳--真是冒傻气!
15.Scarlett remembered that she had thought at the time: "How silly!思嘉记得那时候她曾想过:"多傻气
16.a broad, foolish, silly, etc grin咧着嘴的、 愚蠢的、 傻气的...一笑
17.She was not like the common run of store-girls. She wasn't silly.她和那些普通女工不一样,她没有傻气
18.These days she was acting very stupidly, as if she were in her second childhood.这些天里,她做事傻里傻气的,好像返老还童了似的。

Don't be so foolish.别傻里傻气的。
3)a wacky outfit傻里傻气的外套
4)balmy on the crumpet疯癫, 傻气
5)Don't be stupid.别傻气了。

傻气1.呆气。 2.死心眼。 3.愚蠢;糊涂。你太傻气,怎么这么轻易就答应下来!这个当上得可不小。