1.The Traditional Chinese Culuture in Shawbrother’s Film Producion;论香港“邵氏”电影中中国传统文化精神的彰显

1.Shaw Brothers Ltd., Hong Kong邵氏兄弟(香港)有限公司
2.Plastics--Shore hardness testGB/T2411-1980塑料邵氏硬度试验方法
3.Available in a hardness of either 70 Shore A or 80 Shore A, this grade can also be used for end caps and special fixation applications.该牌号可提供70邵氏A或80邵氏A两种硬度,既可用于端盖也可用于专门的固定应用
4.The Traditional Chinese Culuture in Shawbrother’s Film Producion;论香港“邵氏”电影中中国传统文化精神的彰显
5.The Shaw Brothers Pan-Chinese Cinema;在香港建构“中国”:邵氏电影的大中华视野
6.Evaluation of the Measurement Uncertainty of the Indication Error of the Shore Hardness Tester邵氏硬度计示值误差测量结果不确定度评定
7.Classification and calibration method of domestic and abroad shore hardness testers国内外邵氏硬度计的分类和校准方法探讨
8.The Influence and Enlightenment of Shao Films on Chinese Films in Ancient Costume and Their Running;试谈邵氏电影对中国古装片及市场经营的影响与启示
9.On Shaw s Huangmei Opera Movies--Also on Category Basis of Drama Movies;邵氏黄梅调电影艺术论——兼论戏曲电影的类型基础
10.Out of the "Chivalrous Swordsman Dream"--The Tendency for the Shao-Films by Single-Armed Sword and New Single-Armed Sword;走出“侠客梦”——从《独臂刀》、《新独臂刀》看邵氏武侠片的创作走向
11.Vulcanized rubber--Test method for the determination of Jones and Schopper hardnessGB/T6033-1985硫化橡胶赵氏及邵坡尔硬度试验方法
12.SHAO Yong s Theory on the Relationship between Nature and Man;邵雍的天人关系说——兼评王夫之对邵雍的批判
13.Shao Yanxiang and his Poetry--A Speech at the Seminar on Shao Yanxiang s Poetic Creation;我读邵燕祥其诗其人——在邵燕祥诗歌创作研讨会上的发言
14.On the Clarification of Some Problems of Shao Yong's Life and Academia为邵雍正名——关于几个邵雍生平与学术问题的澄清
15.No, Chaumette, no,death is not " an eternal sleep!"不,邵美蒂啊,死亡并不是“长眠”!
16.As the way from Shaoyang to the school consisted entirely of mountain roads, they had to switch to sedan chairs.邵阳到学校全是山路,得换坐轿子。
17." Rubber, vulcanized-Determination of shore A hardness"GB/T531-1992硫化橡胶邵尔A硬度试验方法
18.Hunan Shaoyang Food Science and Technology Institute湖南省邵阳市食品科技发展研究所

Shore hardness邵氏硬度
1.Methods of measuring some central control items,such as volume resistivity,low temperature impact property,tensile strength,density and hardness are introduced as well as the technology of measuring Shore hardness in the production of PVC cable material.介绍了在PVC电缆料生产过程中 ,几个中控项目 (如体积电阻率、低温冲击性能、拉伸强度、密度、硬度值 )的测试方法和邵氏硬度的测试技术 ,并根据测试结果分析未检测项目的性能情况 ,以判断PVC电缆料的质量是否合
3)Shore A hardness邵氏硬度
1.MethodsThe tear strength,tensile strength,property change percent of elongation at break and Shore A hardness of two kinds of silicone elastomers(silicone A and silicone B) and MDX4-4210 were measured under the national criteria.方法按国家标准,分别测定硅橡胶A、硅橡胶B和国际通用MDX4-4210硅橡胶的撕裂强度、拉伸强度、扯断伸长率和邵氏硬度,并进行统计学比较分析。
2.Objective: To measure the tensile property and Shore A hardness of two kinds of silicon rubber.目的 :测定SY 1和MDX4 42 10硅橡胶的拉伸性能和邵氏硬度。
4)Shao's points邵氏点
5)Shao films邵氏电影
1.The history of Shao films can trace back to the days of Tianyi Company when Shao brothers went to the areas beyond the South China Sea and Hong Kong,shooting a lot of films in ancient costume and admitting such famous directors as Li Han-xiang,Hu Jin-quan,Chu Yuan and Zhang Che.邵氏电影的历史可从中国早期影片公司中的天一公司算起,邵氏兄弟后来去南洋、香港发展,拍摄了大量的古装片,先后接纳了李翰祥、胡金铨、楚原、张彻等诸多知名导演,其对中国古装片的影响功不可没。
6)Shaw Foundation邵氏基金

《邵氏闻见录》  笔记集。又名《邵氏闻见前录》。宋代邵伯温(1056~1134)撰。伯温,字子文,洛阳(今属河南)人。少时与司马光等交游,以学行著称。官至提点成都路刑狱、利州路转运副使。《邵氏闻见后录》,伯温之子邵少博(?~1158)撰。少博,字公济。绍兴八年(1138)赐同进士出身。绍兴九年除秘书监校书郎,不久知果州。    《邵氏闻见录》20卷,前16卷记宋太祖以来故事,其中杂及北宋著名文人王禹偁、柳开、穆修、尹洙、欧阳修、苏洵、王安石等,有助于了解北宋古文运动的兴起和发展。    《邵氏闻见后录》30卷,内容比《邵氏闻见录》琐杂,但关于诗文的评论比《邵氏闻见录》丰富。其中卷十四至卷二十七,比较集中地记述宋代著名文人轶事,以苏轼为详,王禹偁、欧阳修、梅尧臣、苏洵、王安石、曾巩、苏辙等次之。书中所记轶事往往得之亲闻,比较可靠。其谈诗,上起楚辞、乐府,中有唐之李白、杜甫、韩愈、白居易、刘禹锡等,下及北宋各大家,其中不乏卓见。如认为杜甫诗"所以独立千载之上",不在于字字句句"有所本",其功夫在诗之外。其论文,涉及司马迁、曹植、王勃、韩愈、柳宗元、樊宗师、李商隐及北宋欧、王、曾、苏诸大家与李格非。书中认为韩文"自经中来",柳文"自史中来",欧文"和气多英气少",苏(轼)文"英气多和气少",亦可备一说。《后录》中保存了不少文学史资料。    二书有中华书局1983年点校本。又有《津逮秘书》本、《学津讨原》本、商务印书馆排印本。