1.On W.E.Gladstone’s Shift from an Evangelical to a High Churchman;格拉斯顿从福音派向高教会派的转变及其原因

1.Fundamentalist and Evangelical Churches基督派与福音派教会
2.European Evangelical Alliance欧洲福音派新教会联盟
3.Implication: liberalism, neo-orthodoxy and neo-evangelicalism are NOT orthodox.涵义﹕派,自由派,新正统派,新福音派等不是正统基督教信仰。
4.On W.E.Gladstone’s Shift from an Evangelical to a High Churchman格拉斯顿从福音派向高教会派的转变及其原因
5.Movement for Evangelical Unity in Latin America拉丁美洲福音派联合运动
6.World Evangelical Fellowship世界福音派新教会联谊会
7.member of certain evangelical Christian sects(基督教某些福音派的)教友
8.Mr Lindsay demonstrates that the arrival of the Evangelicals is changing both the American elite and the Evangelical movement itself.林德塞告诉读者,福音派的到来正在改变美国精英阶层和福音派运动。
9.Evangelical leader Ted Haggard has stepped down as head of the National Association of Evangelicals and his church in Colorado.福音派领袖泰德?贺格已辞去全国福音派协会主任及科罗拉多州教堂主事之职。
10.American Evangelicals and International Relations;美国基督教福音派及其对国际关系的影响
11.Contemporary American Evangelicals and the Human Rights Diplomacy in the U.S当代美国基督教福音派与美国人权外交
12.The Impact of Evangelicals in the Late 18th Century on the Suburbanization论18世纪后期英国福音派对城市郊区化的影响
13.Evangelicals have struggled with the subject of AIDS since the disease emerged.自艾滋病崭露苗头时,基督教福音派就同该疾病展开了斗争。
14.Regent Christian Academy is a private, co-educational, college preparatory, evangelical Christian school.摄政的基督徒学院私有,男女同校,学院准备,福音派基督徒学校。
15.Many evangelicals plainly feel more comfortable backing one of their own.许多福音派教徒认为在志同道合者的领导下会更适合。
16.Evangelical businessmen form networks such as the Business Leadership and Spirituality Network.福音派的企业家还创建了各种网站,像商业领袖网、圣灵网等等。
17.But it is also creating new divisions within the Evangelical movement between a cosmopolitan establishment and the populist masses.不过,福音派在发展过程中,也分化为信奉世界主义和民粹主义的两大派别。
18.an attempt to reawaken the evangelical faith.提倡复兴福音的教派。

American Evangelicals新教福音派
3)evangelicalism movement福音派运动
4)Anglican Evangelical安立甘宗福音派
5)born-again evangelism.再生的福音派教义
1.The prestige of rule of the law,the Gospel of government;法治权威:利维坦的福音
2.On the Concept of "Peace" in the Gospel of Matthew;试论《马太福音》中的“和睦”观
3.Tea, Gospel and Mission --A Case Study of Justus Doolittle from Bission to Musiness in 19th Century s China;茶叶·福音·传教——十九世纪来华传教士卢公明弃教从商个案研究
