1.The Cruel Reality Insinuated in his Romantic Writing;——On the Ideological Content of Shisei;浪漫笔致掩盖下的残酷现实——试析《刺青》的思想性

1.Tattoo can be removed from hair by covering with cellophane tape and gently removing. To remove from skin, use baby oil.头发上的刺青可以用透明胶移除.皮肤上的刺青可以用婴儿油移除.
2.Cut desired tattoo using safety scissors.用安全剪刀剪出你想要的刺青形状.
3.Hey, do I spot a little pin stri** ing tattoo back there?我注意到你车身喷了个小小的针状刺青
4.She is, isn't she? Have you seen her tattoo?她很可爱呀,不是吗?你有没有看过她的刺青
5.A man with a lot of tattoos tried to pick up on her at the bus station.一个有很多刺青的男人企图在公车站向她搭讪。
6.She got a new tattoo, reportedly a pair of red and pink lips.而且她还刺青,据说是一对粉红嘴唇图案。
7.and some Maoris who want to preserve their heritage still get tattoos today.一些想保留他们传统的毛利人今天仍然有刺青
8.The traditional Maori facial tattoos had beautiful curving lines,传统的毛利人的面部刺青有漂亮的曲线,
9.A necklace, pendant, key chain or tattoo promises the same good fortune of the ancients.一条项链,耳环,钥匙圈,刺青都可以带给你幸运的。
10.The Cruel Reality Insinuated in his Romantic Writing;--On the Ideological Content of Shisei;浪漫笔致掩盖下的残酷现实——试析《刺青》的思想性
11.a harsh hoarse utterance (as of a frog).(青蛙般的)沙哑刺耳的话。
12.a teenage boy worried about his spots, ie acne因出粉刺而烦恼的十几岁的男青年
13.Many adolescents suffer from/have acne.很多青少年患有痤疮[长粉刺]。
14.The robber stabbed the young man in the belly.这个强盗刺伤了这令青年人的腹部。
15.Correspondence Analysis on the Content of Trace Elements in Nitraria Tangutorun Bobr.and Licum bararum L. from Qinghai Traditional Chinese Drugs青海白刺和枸杞微量元素的对应分析
16.Biological Studies on Breeding of Two Color Variants of Sea Cucumbers中国青刺参和日本红刺参苗种培育的生物学研究
17.Maybe a little frog on my hip, or a gecko.也许在臀部刺一只小青蛙还是壁虎什么的。
18.Tanis was pointing to the thin, sarcastic young woman.坦尼斯指指那个瘦瘦的、神情讥刺的年青女人。

prinsepia utilis royle青刺尖
1.Determination of the Total Flavones Content in Prinsepia Utilis Royle with Ultraviolet Spectrophotometry;紫外可见分光光度法测定青刺尖总黄酮含量
3)Prinsepia Utilis Royle青刺果
1.Effects of Extracts from Prinsepia utilis Royle on Antimicrobial Activity;青刺果不同部位水提取液的抑菌效果
2.The antimicrobial effects of the water solution of extract from Prinsepia Utilis Royle,rosemary; honeysuckle and Lysimachia chriatinae Hance were investigated on seven species spoilage organisms : Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus subtilis, Proteus vulgaris, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Penicillium sp and Rhizopus sp.以水为抽提剂分别提取青刺果、迷迭香、金银花及金钱草中的抑菌成分 ,测定了这四种植物提取液对七种常见食品腐败菌的抑菌效力 (抑菌圈直径 )、最低抑菌浓度 (MIC)、抑菌pH范围及热稳定性等。
3.Prinsepia Utilis Royle is a plant fruit which belongs to the family of rosebush,it possesses versatile medicinal properties including dropping blood sugar,dropping blood fat,enhancing immunity,staying consenescence,antitumour activity and antibacterial activity.青刺果(Prinsepia Utilis Royle),为蔷薇科扁核木属植物总花扁核的果实,具有降血糖、降血脂、增强免疫力、抗肿瘤、延缓衰老、抗菌等药理活性。
4)Prinsepia utilis青刺尖
1.Study on the anti-inflammatory active constituents of Prinsepia utilis;民族药青刺尖抗炎活性成分的初步研究
2.Prinsepia utilis Royle has been used in folk medicine to treat various skin diseases, rheumatism, inflammation and leprosy in China and India.青刺尖(Prinsepia utilis Royle),为蔷薇科扁核木属(Prinsepia)植物青刺尖的干燥茎叶,为我国云南的多民族的常用药。
5)Prinsepia utilis青刺果
1.Botanical Characteristics and Cultivation Technology of Prinsepia utilis;青刺果的植物学特性及其人工栽培技术
2.The researches of Prinsepia utilis Royle were briefly summed up and the progress of studies in this field has been introduced as well,which includes the evaluation of some factors about biology characteristics,cultivation techniques,the antimicrobial effects of the liquid extracted from prinsepia utilis,extraction techniques,and elements analysis.本文就目前对青刺果的研究作简要综述,介绍了青刺果在生物学特性、栽培技术、水提取液的抑菌效果、果油萃取技术、成分分析等方面的研究进展。
6)seed oil of Prinsepia utilis青刺果油
1.The main physical chemistry characteristics and the fatty acid composition in their bio-diesel of the seed oil of Jatropha curcas,seed oil of Sapium sebiferum,seed oil of Prinsepia utilis were analyzed by using GC/MS,in order to find out characteristics of potential plant oils that are suitable for further production of bio-diesel based on seed oil of J.通过对麻疯树,青刺果及乌桕三种产于西南的油料植物油分的理化性质及它们的生物柴油进行GC/MS分析,以麻疯树油为参照油分,对比青刺果油和乌桕油,找出适合作生物柴油油料植物油分的特点,为生物柴油油料植物的选择提供了依据。
