1.Gansu province should attach much important to the exploiture of financial in western development;西部开发中甘肃要注重财经类人才资源的开发

1.Research on the Developing Tendency of Financial Journals from the Success of Caijing;从《财经》的成功看财经类期刊的发展方向
2.The Study of Development Strategy on Financial Programme of Civic TV Station;城市电视台财经类节目发展策略研究
3.Stylistic Features of Finance Articles in Business Week;《商业周刊》财经类文章的文体特征
4.On Scientific Research Management of the Local Finance and Economics Colleges and Universities;地方财经类院校科研管理的特殊思路
5.The Application of Case Study in TVU s Financial Courses;案例教学在电大财经类教学中的运用
6.A Study on the Evaluation System of Inspiring Students to Improve their Creativity in Colleges;财经类大学生创新评价奖励机制研究
7.Reform on Professional Courses System of Finance and Economy;关于财经类专业课程体系改革的思考
8.Reflections on the Reconstruction of Finance Specialties of Higher Vocational Education;重构高职高专财经类专业体系的思考
9.Model for Teaching-in-class Evaluation of Financial & Economical Featured Universities and Its Application;财经类高校课堂教学评价模型及应用
10.Suggestions on Mathematics in Higher Vocational Education of Financial and Economic Major;财经类高职教育数学内容设置的思考
11.A Discussion on Setting up the Contribution Deployment Center for Economic Journals;建立财经类学报稿件调剂中心的探讨
12.Setting up A New Practice Teaching Mode for Finance and Economics Specialty in Higher Vocational Colleges;创建高职财经类专业实践教学新模式
13.An Exploration of Higher Mathematics Education Reform;财经类院校高等数学教育改革的探索
14.Development of MPA Education in Universities of Finance and Economics财经类高等院校MPA教育发展研究
15.A Reflection of Cooperative Education between College and Enterprise in the Universities of Finance and Economics财经类院校开展校企合作教育的思考
16.On the Features of Central TVU's Online Financial and Economic Courses中央电大财经类网络课程的特色探究
17.Researching the Existence of Media Economically and the Running Tactics of Magazines on Financial and Economics;传媒生存哲学与财经类杂志经营策略研究
18.A Study of the Experimental Teaching Models of the Economics and Management Specialty in Finance and Economics Colleges and Universities;财经类院校经济管理专业实验教学模式研究

economic journals财经类学报
3)finance and economics newspapers and periodicals财经类报刊
1.As the enormous change has taken place in the market vironment of media,How the finance and economics newspapers and periodicals foster the key competitiveness will become an important subject in the period of society transformation epoch and market economy epoch.随着媒体市场环境发生的巨大变化,置身于社会转型期和市场经济之中的财经类报刊如何培育核心竞争力,便成为一个重要的课题。
4)Financial Universities财经类高校
1.Practice of Mathematical Modeling for Financial Universities;财经类高校数学建模课程建设的设想与实践
5)finance and economics curriculum财经类课程
6)law of fiannce and economics财经类法学
