1.Modern culture shows its obvious tendency of secularization,entertainization and superficialization.大众文化的发展 ,加速了中国文化世俗性进程 ,当代文化表现出明显的世俗化、娱乐化和肤浅化倾向。

1.The Knowledge Superficiality of Military Theory Teaching in the Classroom and Its Causal Analysis军事理论课堂教学知识的肤浅化及其原因分析
2.Popular culture may be shallow, but it often means a much more fundamental change in social trends.流行文化虽然肤浅,不过它往往预示一个更深刻的社会趋势。
3.Her sublimate future husband will be tall, dark, and handsome她理想化的未来丈夫将是身材高大,皮肤浅黑,相貌英俊
4.Her sublimate future husband will is tall, dark, and handsome.她理想化的未来丈夫将是身材高大,皮肤浅黑,相貌英
5.These are the times of fast food and slow digestion, big men and small character; steep profits and shallow relationships.这是一个属于快餐和慢消化、君子和小人、高利润和肤浅关系的时代。
6.Her Beauty is more than skin deep. (Beauty is only skin deep.)她的美并非肤浅的美。
7.Superficiality is the terrible enemy of an article.肤浅是文章的大敌。
8.speak with spotty or superficial knowledge.断断续续、肤浅地说。
9.excessive but superficial compliments given with affected charm.做作、过分却肤浅的赞美。
10.of or belonging to a racial group having light skin coloration.浅颜色皮肤人种的或者属于浅颜色皮肤人种。
11.Having a light complexion and light hair.白色人种的具有浅肤色和浅色毛发的
12.a superficial book, mind立论肤浅的书、 浅薄无知的头脑
13.Having light brown or yellowish skin.黄肤色的具有浅棕色或略带黄的皮肤的
14.These superficialities of name and form cannot alter the fact that the empire was in reality Hellenic.这些名义上和形式上的肤浅事物都不能改变帝国实际上是希腊文化的这个事实。
15.a skin disease marked by hardening of the tissue usually beginning in the face.以皮肤组织硬化为特征的一种皮肤
16.An agent that softens or soothes the skin.润肤剂软化和缓和皮肤的药
17.Softening and soothing, especially to the skin.润肤的软化和缓和的,尤指对于皮肤
18.In the superficial world of high fashion, image is everything.在肤浅的顶级时尚界,美貌代表一切。

have all one's goods in the window肤浅
4)superficial remarks肤浅的话
5)A skin-deep statement肤浅之说
6)lightly pigmented skin浅色素皮肤; 浅肤色皮肤

肤浅(学识)浅;(理解)不深:~的认识 ㄧ我对戏曲的了解很~。