族群认同,ethnic identity
1)ethnic identity族群认同
1.Ethnic Identity and Ethnicity——Taking for Pinghua’Ren and Kejia’Ren of the Liucheng city Of Guangxi Province an Example;族群认同与族群性——以广西柳城县平话人与客家人为例
2.Social Situation, Historical Memory and Ethnic Identity Descendants of the Kaifeng Jews to a Case Study;社会环境、历史记忆与族群认同

1.Discussion on the Ethnic Identity and Ethnic Relationship in Urban Communities当代城市少数族群的族群认同与族群关系
2.Tunpu Ethnic Community and Ethnic Identity--Taking the Tunpu Peope in Tianlong Village for Example屯堡族群与族群认同——以天龙屯堡为例
3.Interaction Identification Of Ethnic Groups: Also Analysis On Waxiang people′ Consciousness Of Ethnic Group;族群认同与互动:兼论苗族瓦乡人的族群意识
4.Ethnic Group and Ethnic Identification of Inter-groups--A Case of Lai People族际社会中的族群与族群认同——以俫人为个案
6.Elite and Ethnic Identity: Research about a Ethnic Group s Memory;地方精英与族群认同——一个村庄族群记忆的研究
7.Ethnic Identity of Across Nationalities-- Donggan people and Hui Nationality: An Anthropological Discussion about Ethnic Origins,Titles and Identities;跨国民族的族群认同——“东干”与回族:族源、族称与族群认同的人类学讨论
8.Han Nationality. Tibetan and Hui Nationality Undergraduates Across-cultural Research of Ethnic Identity and Inter-group Attribution;汉族、藏族和回族大学生族群认同与群际归因的跨文化研究
9.From Ethnic Identity toward National Identity:Third Research on Guangxi's National Recognition in Mid-and Late 20th Century从族群认同走向民族认同——20世纪中后期广西的民族识别研究之三
10.Ethnic Identity and National Identity in Transnational Labor Export Taking the Korean-Chinese of Long Shan 11th Village as an Example;跨国劳务输出中的族群认同与国家认同
11.Ethnic Identities and National Identities;族群认同与国家认同:以马来西亚为例(下)
12.Ethnic Group Identification and Religion Identification in Social Transition社会转型过程中的族群认同与宗教认同
13.Ethnic Identification in Microcosmic View and its Modern Development微观层面上的族群认同及其现代发展
14.Ethnic Identity and "the Northerner" Image in Hong Kong Films;族群认同与香港电影中的“北佬”形象
15.Study on Change of Ethnic Identity in Modern Nationa-State Discourse Taking Phu Thays and Phu Nongs in Banwai Village of Jinlong as an Example现代国家话语下的族群认同变迁研究
16.Totemic beliefs and ethnic identification --Taking the frog totemic beliefs Zhuang nationality in GuangXi province for example图腾信仰与族群认同——以广西壮族族群蛙图腾信仰为例
17.Looking Closely at the Identity of Ethnic Group from the Margin of Ethnic Group;从族群边缘看族群认同——以卓仓藏族内婚制为个案
18.On the Gender,Ethnic Identity and Religion of the Huis in Cibi Village不结伴与族群团结——茈碧回族的宗教信仰、社会性别关系与族群认同

ethnic identification族群认同
1.Totemic beliefs and ethnic identification ——Taking the frog totemic beliefs Zhuang nationality in GuangXi province for example;图腾信仰与族群认同——以广西壮族族群蛙图腾信仰为例
2.From the perspective of Anthropology,this paper discusses the present movement of Heritage in China,involving such concepts as the classification of objects,cultural space,ethnic identification,cultural self-consciousness which are closely related with heritage in the aspect of anthropology.从人类学学科的角度,对目前国内的遗产运动进行了讨论,内容涉及人类学学科中与"遗产"联系紧密的物的分类、文化空间、族群认同、文化自觉等概念,并试图对目前学界"遗产"研究理论薄弱的现状进行反思和补充。
3.This article tries to research Minhe Tu People′s orally-spread history from the perspective of historical anthropology and discusses how transfer and adjust process of Tu′s historical memory and ethnic identification in the history space-time,the current social elite is how makes use of part historical memories and learning resource to affect common Tu people.本文以土族的起源、发展、形成与延续为背景,探讨在历史时空变幻中,土族的历史记忆和族群认同经历了怎样的传递和调整过程,以及当前土族精英分子如何利用部分历史记忆和学术资源影响土族民众,土族民众如何利用历史记忆资源获取各种利益,从而为土族族群自我认同的历史变迁及现存的学术争论提供较为合理的解释。
3)Identity of Ethnic Group族群认同
1.This paper,making use of the firsthand materials of fieldwork,taking the endogamy of the Zangs in Zhuocang as a case,analyzes that the Zangs in Zhuocang is how to maintain the feeling of ethnic group and strengthen the identity of ethnic group.本文利用田野调查的第一手资料,以卓仓藏族内婚制为个案,从族群边缘的角度探寻卓仓藏族是如何维系族群情感和加强族群认同的问题。
2.Perspectives on the Internal Conflict in Arab States from the Contra- dictions between Identity of Ethnic Group and Identity of Nation State;本文主要探讨了种族、语言、宗教、教派等族群认同对阿拉伯国家认同的挑战,分析了阿拉伯国家族群冲突的四种主要形态:权力分割族裔化而引发的国内冲突;权力垄断族裔化而引发的国内冲突;主体民族与少数民族族裔群体的冲突;跨界族群寻求自治与独立引发的冲突。
4)identification culture of racial groups族群认同文化
5)ethnic minority identification少数族群认同
1.The behavior boundary determined by psychological structure and social reality is the effective access to the understanding of current Chinese ethnic minority identification.经由心性结构和社会现实决定的行为边界是理解当前中国少数族群认同的有效途径。
6)An Exploration of Ethnic Identification族群认同探析
