金庸,Jin Yong
1)Jin Yong金庸
1.Studies of Jin Yong in Mainland China;大陆金庸研究综述(1986-1999)
2.On Jin Yong s Developing and Discarding to the Chinese Classic Tragedies in his Novels;金庸小说对中国古典悲剧的扬弃

1.Studies of Jin Yong in Mainland China;大陆金庸研究综述(1986-1999)
2.Jin Yong's novels have fascinating plots, which enjoy popularity.金庸小说的情节跌宕起伏,是金庸小说观赏性得以产生的重要原因。
3.Fierce Discussion on Jin Yong--A Historical Observation of Jin Yong’s Novels;刀光剑影话金庸——对金庸小说争鸣现象的历史考察
4.In Jin Yong's novels, the master of a gang named Gai is very good at using a special kind of stick.在金庸的小说里, 丐帮帮主善使打狗棒。
5.the swordsman fiction by Jing Yong and Gu Long are very popular.金庸、古龙的武侠小说很受大家欢迎。
6.The Comparative Research on the Linguistic Style in Jin Yong and Gu Long s Errantry Novels;金庸、古龙武侠小说语言风格比较研究
7.Analysis of the "Heroes" Rhetoric Visualizes in Jinyong s Sword Novels;金庸武侠小说中“英雄”形象修辞分析
8.To Analyze the Villain Moldings of Louis Cha s Legend of Hero;金庸武侠小说中的“坏人”形象分析
9.On Jin Yong s Republic Construction of Longer Kung Fu Novel;论金庸长篇武侠小说的“理想国”建构
10.Mainland s Review on Jin Yong s Novels from 2000 to 2006;大陆2000-2006年金庸小说研究述评
11.Delving Into the Contribution of Folklores to the Swordsman Novels by Jin Yong;民间文学对金庸武侠小说的影响初探
12.A Discussion of the Current Cultural Appeal in the Communicative Process of Mr.JIN Yong s Martial Arts Novels;金庸小说传播过程中的现实文化诉求
13.The Rules of the Martical Art World and Construction of Morality of Martical Art Works of Jinyong;江湖秩序与金庸武侠小说的道德建构
14.A Discussion on the Sunflower Bible in Jin Yong s Martial Arts Novel Swordsman;金庸小说《笑傲江湖》之《葵花宝典》探讨
15.Jin Yong’s Martial World the Secret Worry of the Chivalrous Way: A Close Reading of The Smiling Proud Wanderer;金庸“江湖”——侠道的隐忧:《笑傲江湖》细读
16.Legend,history and life--analyse in three aspects about JinYong s novel;传奇、历史与人生——金庸小说的三维透视
17.On the Genre Trial of "Post-Jin Yong" New Chivalry Fictions in 1990s;论90年代“后金庸”新武侠小说文体实验
18.The Fire-destroyed Temple--the supposition about the disputes over Jin Yong s novels in China s mainland;失火的庙宇——“大陆金庸小说论争”猜想

1.Study of Jinyong Ming Bao Daily News Mananger;金庸《明报》的经营探析
2.The Rules of the Martial Art World of Jinyong′s Novel;金庸武侠小说中的江湖秩序
3.A probe into the plot factors of swordman fiction from Qiu Yan Ke Zhuan by Jinyong;从金庸对《虬髯客传》的评说看其武侠小说的情节要素观
3)Jin Yong Phenomenon金庸现象
1.An Analysis of the Jin Yong Phenomenon on the Basis of Prevalence Environment;金庸现象的传播环境分析
4)Jin Yong's works金庸作品
5)Jin Yong's novel金庸小说
6)post-Jin Yong后金庸
