客观真实,objective truth
1)objective truth客观真实
1.On Analysis of Objective Truth and Legal Truth;客观真实、法律真实辨析——在社会主义法治理念视野下
2.Finally the article verifies the hypothesis - " objective truth" standard with tight reasoning from logic.最终以严密的逻辑推理证实假没-“客观真实”标准的真伪,借此反驳“事实清楚,证据确实、充分”的“客观真实”标
3.As a judicial ideal, objective truth should not be the proving requirement but the proving goal.长期以来,民事诉讼中以"客观真实"为证明要求具有明显局限性,确立以"法律真实"为证明要求因其现实意义、可操作价值而更具合理性。

1.The Standards of Proof --Objective Authenticity, Legal Authenticity and Substantial Authenticity;证明标准——客观真实、法律真实与实体真实
2.Neither the Theory of Objective Truth Nor the Theory of Legal Truth Is Tenable;非此非彼的“客观真实说”与“法律真实说”
3.Logic Considerations on "Objective Truth"--On Legal Truth;对"客观真实说"的理性思考——兼论法律真实
4.On the controversy between “the Theory of Objective Truth” and “the Theory of Legal Truth”;标准之争,抑或观念之争?——对“客观真实论”与“法律真实论”之争的冷思考
5.The Role and Function of Objective Reality and Legal Reality in Trial Practice;论客观真实与法律真实在审判实践中的地位和作用
6.On Analysis of Objective Truth and Legal Truth;客观真实、法律真实辨析——在社会主义法治理念视野下
7.The Dispute of Objective Truth and Legal Truth--On the Proof Standard of Criminal Procedure Law;客观真实与法律真实之争——也谈我国刑事诉讼证明标准
8.A Review of the Controversy between the Legal Truth Doctrine and the Objective Truth Doctrine in Light of the System of Conviction Standards in Criminal Proceedings;法律真实"与"客观真实"论争之检讨——兼论刑事诉讼证明标准体系
9.News Media s Portrayal of "Vulnerable Groups" in China: A Framing Analysis;从框架理论看弱势群体报道的客观真实诉求
10.On Upholding Objective Facts as Key Proof Standard in Lawsuit;客观真实作为证明标准的主体应予坚持
11.Objective Verity and Heart Assurance --Talking about the Standards of Action Proof in China;客观真实与内心确信——谈我国诉讼证明的标准
12.An Analysis of the Proof Standard in the Criminal Procedure;客观真实与法律真实浅析——以我国刑事诉讼法“案件事实”为视角的分析
13.It is learned as objective truth in the course of socialization and thus internalized as subjective reality.知识实体在社会化过程中会当作客观真实来学习,因而内化为主观实在。
14.On the application of high degree probability s proof standard--A reflection upon proof standard of objective reality;试论高度盖然性证明标准的适用——基于对客观真实证明标准的思考
15.Results The computerized 3-Dreconstuction of acetabulum bone structure appeared to mimic the real anatomy of acetabulum.结果重建的髋臼能客观反映髋臼真实解剖形态。
16.The narrative is objective and authentic with typical materials.作者的记录和叙述客观而又真实,材料原汁原味。
17.An Analysis of the Non Liquet of Elements of Law As the Foundation of Objective Burden of Proof;客观证明责任存在基础:事实真伪不明分析
18.The News Media's Life and Soul is Authenticity of the Objectivity客观的真实性是新闻传播的生命与灵魂

Objective Reality客观真实
1.On the application of high degree probability s proof standard——A reflection upon proof standard of objective reality;试论高度盖然性证明标准的适用——基于对客观真实证明标准的思考
2.For a long time past,there was in the theoretical circles a dispute between two evidence standards:"objective reality" and "legal reality".我国民事诉讼法对于民事诉讼的证明标准没有明确规定 ,长期以来理论界一直有“客观真实”和“法律真实”两种证明标准之争 ,随着法学理论研究不断深入 ,人们从民事诉讼证明的相对性、“客观真实”标准的局限性、“法律真实”标准的可行性 ,重新认识 ,逐渐接受“法律真实”标准。
3.However, under the circumstance that theory of legal reality is becoming more and more emphasized, much attention should be specially paid to the purchase of objective reality.不过,在当前法律真实论愈益广受青睐的语境下,特别需要强调对客观真实的足够重视和不懈追求。
3)Objective and true客观真实
1.The objective and true identification demands to have drawbacks, there should be identification with true law and demand to replace it.客观真实的证明要求存有弊端,应有法律真实的证明要求取代之。
2.Insisting objective and true proof standard in judicial practice has its shortcomings and we should take it into consideration.在司法实践中坚持客观真实的证明标准出现了许多值得思考的问题。
4)the subjective and objective realities主客观真实
1.Her original view on literary creation lay in her attempt to break through the boundaries between the subjective and objective realities, to transcend the isolated self, and to artistically attain social fusion between self and otherness.其文学创作观的独到之处在于突破主客观真实 ,超越孤立自我 ,在艺术中达到“自我”与“他者”的社会融合。
5)objective authenticity客观真实性
6)the objective authentic beauty客观真实美

2007年考研数学必做客观题1500题精析(文都教育考研精品系列)图书作者: 蔡子华出版社: 现代出版社isbn: 7801882156出版时间: 2006-7第1版印刷时间: 2006-7第1次印刷开 本:价 格(元): 30书籍介绍:本书就是针对上述情况,专门为报考硕士研究生的考生编写的。全书精选1500道考研数学客观题,分为客观题集和客观题解两部分;内容包括高等数学、线性代数、概率论与数理统计,适合选考数学一至数学四各卷种的考生备考使用。客观题集中,历年研究生入学考试真题占有相当大的比例,其余题目亦都且有很强的代表性,且内容全面。遴选该部分题目的原则是:紧扣硕士研究生入学统一考试数学考试大纲,重视基础,摒弃偏题、怪题,难度贴近历年考试真题。客观题解中,答案详尽,重视解析过程,对不同题型、知识点、解题思路与方法、答题技巧都有不同程度的揭示。考生可先尝试求解本书第一部分的题例,再在第二部分的帮助下找出自己在理解数学基本概念、基本原理及运用基本方法诸方面的差距,在实战中增强个人发现问题、分析问题和解决问题的能力,从而大幅度提高应试水平。