文化研究,cultural studies
1)cultural studies文化研究
1.Semiotics and cultural studies on tourist destination of beach;海滨旅游空间的符号学与文化研究
2.Cultural Studies in China: Past and Present;文化研究在中国——一个非常个人化的思考
3.Gender Study and Queer Study in the Context of Cultural Studies;文化研究语境下的性别研究和怪异研究

1.Commentating Research-on-Culture Theory and Research on Chinese Cultural History;“文化研究”理论与中国文化史研究
2.Cultural Study in Disciplinary Sense and De-Legalization of Literature Study;文化研究的学科化与文学研究的解合法化
3.Study on Culture, Population Culture and Population Culture of Nationalities;文化、人口文化与民族人口文化研究刍论
4.On the Paradigm Shift from Literary Studies to Cultural Studies;论从文学研究到文化研究的范式转型
5.Literature Studies: Birmingham School s Starting Attempt in Cultural Studies;文学研究:伯明翰学派文化研究的起点
6.On the Cultural Study of Literture and the Marxist Theory on Literature;文学中的文化研究和马克思主义文论
7.America and Canada Cultural Differences and Canadian Multicultural Research;美加文化差异及加拿大多元文化研究
8.The Necessity of Going Together Concerning Water Culture Study and Water Culture Education;水文化研究与水文化教育须双轮驱动
9.Tourism Subject is the Center of the Study of Tourism Culture;旅游文化主体是旅游文化研究的中心
10.The Documentary study and Cultural Analysis of Fujian-Taiwan Cultural Interchange (FTCI);闽台文化交流的文献研究及文化解析
11.Research on Cultural Globalization and Development of Chinese Culture;文化全球化与中国文化发展问题研究
12.Cultural Globalization and Development of National Sports Culture;文化全球化与民族体育文化发展研究
13.Cultural Hegemony: Research on Cross-Culture Communication of Basketball Culture between China and America;文化领导权:中美篮球文化的跨文化传播研究
14.Study on Cultural Differences and Culture Shock under Cultural Dimensions;文化维度下的文化差异性与文化休克研究
15.University Culture Business Culture and Community Cultural Interaction Mechanism;大学文化、企业文化、社区文化互动模式研究
16.Consciousness of Cultural Attribute and Study of Southeast Asian Literature in Chinese Language文化属性意识与东南亚华文文学研究
17.The Survey to the Measures of Traditional Cultural in Classical Chinese Teaching of Senior Middle School高中文言文传统文化教学的方法研究
18.Man·Culture·Envitonment--The way to study of Cultural image by Humanity人·文化·环境——文化意象研究的入学途径

cultural study文化研究
1.A Cultural Study of the Characters in Winesburg, Ohio;从文化研究视角解读《小镇畸人》中的人物
2.Cultural Study of Soap Operas in Current China;当代中国肥皂剧的文化研究
3.There occurred a new trend of cultural study in the economic geography of western countries since the 1990s.90年代后半期以来西方经济地理研究呈现出一种文化研究趋向 ,即重视文化因素在经济活动空间格局的形成和演变中的作用 ,着重从历史和文化的角度把握世界、国家和区域的时空变化 ,强调在社会文化与政治经济相互作用的动态过程中来认识资源、资本和劳动力等生产要素的空间特征 ,通过认识具体区域的基本特性来把握区域发展的本质 ,从而更准确地认识地方多样性和地理差异。
3)cultural research文化研究
1.Cultural Research on Medical System in the Areas of Minority Ethnic Groups;少数民族地区医疗体系的文化研究
2.A Study on Yan Geling s Novelistic Themes in the Perspective of Cultural Research;文化研究视野中的严歌苓小说主题论
3.The trend of cultural researches at home has indeed enlarged the scope of literary research and some of the new theories and methods are applied extensively.尽管国内学界出现文化研究的热潮,确实扩大了文艺学研究的范围,其中不少新理论、新方法得到广泛的运用,但并没有突破文艺学已有的研究范式,仍然主要局限于社会阶级批评、经济分析、意识形态的方法论与政治性旨向等前苏联文论模式,未能有效地实现文艺学学科体系的转型,难以承担其重建重任。
4)culture study文化研究
1.Critics have taken great interest in it and various studies have been launched from the perspectives of linguistics,literary stylistics,narrative theory as well as culture study,which has not only resulted in better understanding of this speech mode,but also broadened the scope of the research field.针对这一话语形式的含混和复杂性,批评家们从语言学、小说文体学、经典和后经典叙述学以及文化研究等方面对它进行了研究。
2.On the contrary,we should always be established in the feature of modernization to find the start and question of culture study.在全球化、全球现代化的背景下,作为文化主题之一的文化研究在研究的出发点和课题等方面发生了巨大的变化,这种变化源自现代化的大背景。
3.The article thinks that Chinese exsits two kinds of different historical culture poetics:one is the culture poetics,and the other is the civili- zation poetics,among them the former more shows the influence of the west culture study theories,and the latter re- presents the innate character of the Chinese poetics,which is based on the historical civilization.近年来文学中的文化研究日益突出。
5)Culture Studies文化研究
1.Based on "culture studies",esp.本文试图立足于文化研究特别是大众文化研究 ,通过剖析网络技术发展的历史 ,对网络文化本身的发展过程作一探讨。
2.The paper elaborates the relations between Luanhe River culture studies and Tangshan culture studies,historical culture studies and current culture studies and the construction of and adherence to the academic and practical quality of culture studies and proposes that Tangshan regional culture studies should have three levels: basic studies,inductive studies and theoretical studies.探讨了滦河文化研究与唐山文化研究、历史文化研究与现实文化研究文化研究的学术品位与实践品格的构建与坚守诸关系,认为唐山区域文化研究应有基础性研究、归纳性研究、理论性研究三个层次。
3.The emergence of culture studies in the 1990s,an immediate response of modern literary criticism to the history of transformation in the modernity of social and cultural structure,is not only the practice of criticism discourse but also the product of cultural breakthrough following criticism s removal of linguistic restraints.90年代文化研究的崛起,是当代文学批评对社会文化结构现代性转型的历史当下性回应,它不仅是现代性新意识形态召唤下的批评话语实践,也是批评在冲决语言牢笼之后进行文化突围的产物。
6)Cross cultural study跨文化研究
1.This is a cross cultural study of the speech act of"apology",using two questionnaires.用调查问卷的方式对言语行为“道歉”进行了跨文化研究

华西大学中国文化研究所  由哈佛燕京学社提供经费资助,专用以研究中国文化,如宗教、考古学、史学、人类学、语言学和美术等的学术机构。1939年筹备,1940年春正式成立。该所聘请了一批知名学者从事研究。所长闻在宥,多年从事语言学研究。教授兼研究员有韩儒林、吕叔湘、刘朝阳、缪钺等。他们从事研究,撰写专著,并在华西大学任教。该所出版的《华西大学中国文化研究所论丛》、《华西大学文化研究所集刊》,均在国内外发行。这两种刊物先后发表的闻在宥的《论民族语之系属》、《民家语中同义字研究》、《羌语比较文法》,韩儒林的《吐蕃之王族与汉族》、《蒙古绘剌罕考》,吕叔湘的《释俺附论们字》、《汉语第三身代词说》,刘朝阳的《周初历法考》、《先秦历法考》,李方桂的《沙佛,藏汉语的元音》,董作宾的《读方编摩些文字典甲种》,刘会和的《中古汉语声韵系统之研究》等,均受到国内外学术界的重视。