创作风格,writing style
1)writing style创作风格
1.Perceptual Indulgence and Rational Restraint of Feelings——on the writing style of Yu Dafu in the later stage of life in the light of"Depravity" and "Sweet-scented Osmanthus in Belated Bloom";感性纵情与理性敛情——从《沉沦》和《迟桂花》看郁达夫前后期的创作风格
2.On Huang Bei-jia s Rose Room and its transition of the writing style;论黄蓓佳《玫瑰房间》及创作风格的转型
3.Strange love and strange female ——On the writing style of the novel"Everything Has its Price;陌生的爱情与陌生的女性——从《什么都有代价》看王芫的创作风格

1.Simplicity and Unadornedness with Intelligence and Beauty--On the creative style of Zhaotong writers;朴拙与灵秀——昭通作家创作风格
2.On Local Culture′s Influence On Writers′ Writing Style;试论地域文化对作家创作风格的影响
3.WHISPER-LIKE CREATION FOLLOWING ONE S FEELING:On Yuan Mei s Poems Style;随任性情的私语化创作——论袁枚的诗歌创作风格
4.Life Is the Source of Creation--On the Formation of Li Bai s Creation Style;生活是创作的源泉——浅谈李白创作风格的形成
5.The Creation Style Evaluation of "the Cenozonic Era" Directors;“新生代”导演的电影创作风格评析
6.On the Creation Style of Brahms Artistic Songs;论勃拉姆斯艺术歌曲的音乐创作风格
7.Change of Jia Pingwa s Writing Style Through his Novel Gao Laozhuang;从《高老庄》看贾平凹创作风格的嬗变
8.From Dong Sir and Li s Seeing Wang Ren-jie s Creative Style;从《董生与李氏》看王仁杰的创作风格
10.On Huang Bei-jia s Rose Room and its transition of the writing style;论黄蓓佳《玫瑰房间》及创作风格的转型
11.Natural and Smooth--Talks on the Poetic Writing Style of Sudongpo;行云流水,自然天成——谈苏词的创作风格
12.See the Formation of Creative Style of Li Bai By His Life Experience;从李白身世遭遇看其创作风格的形成
13.A study on chopin s romanticism composing style;谈肖邦钢琴音乐的浪漫主义创作风格
14.The Transition of Chili s Writing Style in 1990s;略论池莉在九十年代创作风格的转变
15.Creative Style in Hemingway s The Sun Also Rises;海明威《太阳照样升起》的创作风格
16.Writing style of Zong Baihua s little poetry and primary exploration of the idea of poetry beauty;宗白华小诗创作风格与诗美观念初探
17.The Study on the Style of ChaiJin's b Minor Sonata柴金《b小调奏鸣曲》创作风格研究
18.The Formation of Li Qiang's Personal Style and Chekhov's Influence on Him契诃夫的影响与李樯创作风格的形成

creative style创作风格
1.Simplicity and Unadornedness with Intelligence and Beauty——On the creative style of Zhaotong writers;朴拙与灵秀——昭通作家创作风格
2.SHI Shu-qing is one of representative modernistic writers of Taiwan, but she cannot be framed by a simple “modernist school” because of her varied creative styles.施叔青是台湾现代派文学的代表作家之一,但她的创作风格多样,难以用一个简单的“现代派”来框定。
3.Shi Zhecun is a writer full of explorative spirit in Chinese modern literary history and the collection of novels General s Head reflects his creative style:being good at describing subconsciousness and analyzing human inner world from the point of view of sexual desire.施蛰存是中国现代文学史上一位颇富探索精神的作家,小说集《将军底头》集中体现他的创作风格:善于描写潜意识,善于从性欲入手分析人的内心世界;他笔下的人物都具有二重人格,因而人物形象更丰满,更真实。
3)creation style创作风格
1.The creation team is grand and the members come from various fields,they have formed the main force of constructing harmonious native culture;in the poems is vibrating the spirit of the times in which heroes and their time can interact and achieve the win-win goal;those works creation style mainly carries the traditional poetic features in Song Dynasty,with s.以《张垣诗坛》创刊号和第二期为文本,对张家口诗词协会的创作实绩进行了评述,即创作队伍宏大多元,是构建地方和谐文化的生力军之一;诗作涌动着英雄与时代互动双赢的盛世气息;创作风格上更多地继承了宋诗传统,却也不乏唐诗风采;诗体上体现着对传统诗词的尊重热爱。
2.To further understand Chopin and other piano works,we can study his creation features and creation style.研究其创作特点和创作风格的基本特征,对于我们进一步认识肖邦及其它钢琴作品有着现实的意义和作用。
3.The nationalization of creation style is an important component of the art song too.艺术歌曲的特点是歌词多采用著名诗歌,侧重表现人的内心世界,曲调表现力强,表现手段与作曲技法比较复杂,其创作风格的民族化是艺术歌曲中的重要组成部分。
4)artistic style创作风格
1.The evolution and establishment of Cong Weixi’s artistic style;从维熙创作风格的演变与确立
2.Artistic style of Suite bergamasque inherited some basic skill in romantic doctrine, broke the method of conjunction, continuousing and ending of the traditiond chords skills of Changing pedal, paying attenfion to the transforming of timbre and fingering should be stressed when playing this work, in order to show it s hazy, fantastil mood.《贝尔加玛纽曲》的创作风格,既继承了浪漫主义音乐的一些基本手法,又打破了传统和弦的连接、进行、终止的方法,在演奏这一作品哩,应运用变换踏板以及注重音色的变化、指法的使用等演奏技法,表现其朦胧、飘忽的意境。
5)style of creation创作风格
6)the creation style in 20th century20世纪创作风格

阿拉伯风格曲  阿拉伯风格原指阿拉伯建筑中花巧的装饰图案。在音乐上,阿拉伯风格曲指旋律富于装饰的作品。R.舒曼(作品18)、C.德彪西等的阿拉伯风格曲是一种带有幻想性、即兴性的抒情特性曲。