爱情悲剧,love tragedy
1)love tragedy爱情悲剧
1.A comparison of love tragedy between Madia and Carmen;两朵不谢的“恶之花”——美狄亚与卡门爱情悲剧比较
2.Discussion about aesthetic value of love tragedy of emperor and imperial concubines in aicent China;浅议我国古代帝、妃爱情悲剧的审美价值
3.This paper discusses woman Du s love tragedy from the sexual perspective.本文从性别视角对杜十娘的爱情悲剧加以论述。

1.On the Love Tragedy in "Nazhar s Love Poetry Anthology";浅论《纳扎尔爱情诗集》中的爱情悲剧
2.it is a tragic love story of operatic dimension because the denouement is known;是一个结局已知的戏剧性的爱情悲剧
3.A Comparison of the Love Tragedies of Anna·Caralina and Ima安娜·卡列尼娜和爱玛爱情悲剧比较
4.Love crumbled life--On Anne s tragic love;是爱揉碎了生命——论安娜的爱情悲剧
5.Love Doubles Suffering-Analysis of the Causes of Tess Love Tragedy;爱使痛苦加倍——析苔丝爱情悲剧的成因
6.On the Love Tragedy of Du Shiniang恋比爱更冷——论杜十娘的爱情悲剧
7.Where to Find the Amorousness of the World--The Tragedy of Love in 《The Dream of Red Chamber》;人间何处问多情——《红楼梦》中的爱情悲剧
8.Life, Humanity and Love --An Exposition of the Love Tragedy of Anna Carolina;生命·人性·爱情——安娜·卡列尼娜爱情悲剧解读
9.Listen,the thorn bird is singing--About the love tragedy of the thorn bird听,荆棘鸟在歌唱——论《荆棘鸟》的爱情悲剧
10.On the National Culture Psychology Characteristic of The Love Tragedy between Bao-Yu and Dai-Yu;宝黛爱情悲剧的思想内涵及文化心理
11.On the Societal Inevitability of Love Tragedy in Wuthering Heights;试论《呼啸山庄》爱情悲剧的社会必然性
12.A Brief Talk on the Religious Love Tragedies in the Western Literary Works;浅谈西方文学作品中的宗教爱情悲剧
13.Lingguan in A Dream of Red Mansions and Her Love Tragedy;论《红楼梦》里的龄官及其爱情悲剧
14.Aesthetic Change of Love Tragedy from YULIHUN to SHANGSHI;从《玉梨魂》到《伤逝》爱情悲剧的审美转变
15.Philosophical Thinking of CHI Li s Tragic Consciousness of Love and Marriage;池莉对婚姻爱情悲剧观念的哲学思考
16.On the marriage and love tragedy types in modern Chinese literature;浅析现代文学中的婚姻爱情悲剧类型
17.Comparisons between Wuthering Heightfs and Dreams of the Red Mansion, the two love tragedies;《呼啸山庄》与《红楼梦》爱情悲剧比较
18.THE HARMONIES AND CONFLICTS OF SOUL AND FLESH--An interpretation on the love tragedles of the red peomy灵肉的和谐与背离——红牡丹爱情悲剧

tragic love悲剧爱情
3)the tragedy of love情爱悲剧
4)tragical attidtude toward love爱情悲剧观
5)tragedy love watches悲剧爱情观
6)Love's tragedy爱情的悲剧

永别了,爱情作者:吴明宏 著出版社:长江文艺出版社isbn:753542420印次:1纸张:胶版纸 出版日期:2002-12-1字数:132000版次:1内容提要:假如你碰巧拿起这套书,一读就会放不下——闯进小资情调里的“风情狼”。与其说它是一种情调,不如说它在明晃晃的阳光下调情。  内容的平民性表达,幽默的写作方式,一段段市井人事,组合成一部部茶余饭后的笑料式畅销小说。也许世界本是一首无声小曲,歪歪斜斜只排出作者冷漠的叹息。这又是一次偶遇我期盼你再回眸留住——