表现力,expressive force
1)expressive force表现力
1.Rhetoric Expressive Force of Words with "X+Ran";“X+然”类词的修辞表现力
2.On the Training of Aerobics Athletes expressive force;论健美操运动员表现力的培养
3.Analysis on the cultivating of middle school students expressive force of aerobics in the teaching process;浅谈中学生健美操表现力在教学过程中的培养

1.impassioned rhetoric富有表现力的修辞.
2.Clothing Performing Arts in the Expression and Teaching Methods服饰表演艺术中表现力与教学法初探
3.To perform(a role)weakly or with insufficient expressiveness.表演不充分表演(角色)不足或缺乏表现力
4.Analysis of Representation and Implementation of Software Design in the Software Engineering浅析软件工程中软件设计的表现力和实现力
5.Quintessence and Superiority over other kinds of music--Talking about the manifestation of zither;括八音之精要 超众器之表式——谈古筝的表现力
6.To exhibit great activity or energy.展现活力表现出激情或精力
7.showing reason or sound judgment.表现出良好的判断力。
8.a creditable attempt, performance, etc值得赞扬的努力、 表现等
9.He performs well under pressure.他在压力下表现得很好。
10.but she was trying not to show it.但她竭力不表现出来。
11.show/exercise great self-control in moments of stress在有压力时表现出[运用]很强的自制力
12.The economic competitive ability is the main manifestation of a country's overall strength.经济竞争力是综合国力的主要表现。
13.Showing careful judgment or fine taste表现出谨慎的判断力或很好的鉴赏力.
14.displaying superhuman strength or power.表现出超人的力量或者能力。
15.At any rate, friction always manifests itself as a force that opposes motion.总之,摩擦力总是表现为抗拒运动的力。
16.She has shown great resilience to stress.她对压力表现出了极大的适应能力。
17.Index System for Evaluating the Market Power and It’s Representation in Electricity Market;电力市场中的市场力指标及表现形式
18.Striving to convey a manner or an appearance of refinement and respectability.力求优雅的努力表现优雅而端庄的举止外表的

1.Factors influencing the expression of martial arts routine players;影响武术套路运动员表现力的因素
2.The Expression Research of Metal as Architecture Skins;金属作为建筑表皮的表现力研究
1.Study on Aestheic Expressiveness & Tectonic Capacity of Clay Kiln Bricks;烧结砖在建筑中的表现力与建构技术研究
2.This paper illustrates the basic process to improve college students expressiveness of piano performance from the aspects of reading music and training students musical feelings, apprehension and express desire.任何时候,音乐表现总是第一位的,本文从研读乐谱,培养高师学生的音乐感受力和理解力以及表现欲这几个方面阐明了提高高师学生钢琴演奏表现力的基本过程,对于高师的钢琴教学有一定的参考作用。
1.Analysis of Effect Performances of Aerobics Athletes;健美操运动员表现力心理因素的分析
2.On the performance of aerobics sportsman;论健美操运动员的表现力
3.This paper analyses the factors that have a certain influence on the performance of aerobics sportsmen and then trys to find an approach to the cultivation of their performance.分析了影响运动员表现力的因素,在此基础上探寻健美操运动员表现力的培养途径。
5)performance ability表现力
1.In order to improve the performance ability of aerobic athletics,the paper analyses the actors affecting the performance ability,and puts forward that we should cultivate and train the performance ability in terms of physical quality,dance training,music and mental trianing.对影响健美操运动员表现力的因素进行了分析,提出从运动员的身体素质训练、舞蹈训练、音乐素质培养、心理训练四个方面对运动员的表现力进行培养和训练,以提高健美操运动员的表现力
2.The author finds that students can t understand the performance connotation and lack performance ability during years teaching which affect the teaching results.在多年教学中发现,许多学生在完成动作的过程中不会去表现动作的内涵,缺乏表现力,严重影响了教学效果。
3.The paper tried to locatef actors affecting the performance ability and summarized methods to develop ande nhance the performance ability to offer beneficial reference to improve athletes performance ability.采用文献资料法、专家访谈法、问卷调查法、数理分析法 ,针对优秀健美操运动员表现力的概念、前提条件、表达途径等方面进行分析与阐述 ,寻找影响优秀健美操运动员比赛中表现力发挥的因素 ,总结及归纳培养和提高表现力的手段与方法 ,为提高竞技健美操运动员在表现力方面的水平提供有益的建议。
6)on-the-spot performance现场表现力
1.Interpreter’s low memory capacity is often regarded as a main obstacle which hinders interpreter’s on-the-spot performance.长期以来人们都把口译员现场表现力欠佳归结为口译员先天不足的短期记忆力,从而引起了一系列误解。

赤力力1.亦作"赤历历"。 2.象声词。