恋母情结,Oedipus complex
1)Oedipus complex恋母情结
1.On Oedipus Complex in "Sons and Lovers";论《儿子与情人》中的“恋母情结
2.Oedipus Complex——Analysis of Hamlet by using Freud s viewpoint;恋母情结——以弗洛伊德的观点解读哈姆雷特
3.On Li Yu s " Oedipus Complex";浅谈李渔的“恋母情结

1.Lack of Maternal Love and Mother Complex--Interpreting ZHOU Ping s Psychology;母爱缺失与恋母情结——周萍心理解读
2.On Oedipus Complex in "Sons and Lovers";论《儿子与情人》中的“恋母情结
3.This is the female version of the Oedipal problem-the girl is hostile to her mother, in love with her father.与恋母情结相对应,女孩具有恋父情结——该女孩恨她母亲,爱她父亲。
4.On "the Tie of Affection for Mother;再论“恋母情结”——兼乱伦禁忌寻根
5.Analyze Frank's Oedipus Complex in Thorn Birds浅析《荆棘鸟》中弗兰克的恋母情结
6.A Mother-style Lover:Catherine--On the Oedipus Complex in A Farewell to Arms;母亲式恋人:凯瑟琳——试析《永别了,武器》中的恋母情结
7.On the “Odepus Complex” and Its Reasons of the Sons and Lovers;论《儿子与情人》中保罗的“恋母情结”及形成原因
8.The theory of oedipus complex says that young boys unconsciously rival their fathers for their mothers' affection恋母情结理论认为小男孩下意识中和父亲竞争母亲的情感
9.The theory of oedipus complex say that young boy unconsciously rival their father for their mother's affection恋母情结理论认为小男孩下意识中和父亲竞争母亲的情感。
10.Oedipus Complex--Analysis of Hamlet by using Freud s viewpoint;恋母情结——以弗洛伊德的观点解读哈姆雷特
11.Esthetic Dislocation and Oedipus Complex审美错位与恋母情结——试论魏晋士族男性女性化缘由
12.He' always buying his mother expensive gifts, and I'm beginning to wonder if he's got an Oedipus complex.她总是替母亲购置昂贵的礼物,因而我开始怀疑他是否怀有恋母情结
13.17. Unresolved attachment to mother with accompanying hatred of father17、解不开的恋母恨父情结
14.I have a soft spot for my old school.我对母校怀有眷恋之情。
15.Romantic attachment is adult's emotional bond with partner.婚恋依恋是成人与情侣间的依恋情感联结。
16.Sentiments of Oedipus Complex in “The Storm”--the mention of individual unconsciousness and collective unconsciousness in Cao Yu s writing of “The Storm”;论《雷雨》的“恋母仇父”情结——兼谈曹禺创作《雷雨》的个人无意识和集体无意识
17.On narcissistic complex of Paul in Sons and Lovers;论《儿子与情人》中保罗的自恋情结
18.My summer fling turned into a major lovefest.我夏天的恋情结果变成一场认真的恋爱。

Oedipus complex and electra complex恋母(恋父)情结
3)the culture's Oedipus complex文化恋母情结
4)oedipal conflicts.恋母情结的矛盾
5)Self-abuse complex,Homoerotism complex姐妹情谊和恋母情结
6)Oedipus complex恋母情节
1.Freudian psychoanalysis explained his trouble as Oedipus complex.弗洛伊德精神分析学将他的困扰解释为恋母情节。
