批判现实主义,critical realism
1)critical realism批判现实主义
1.This paper attempts to probe into the ideological significance and artistic features of two children images described by Charles Dickens which reflect the distinct characteristic of critical realism in his works .本文对狄更斯塑造的两个形象所蕴含的思想意义及艺术特色作了较为深入的探讨 ,以进一步揭示狄更斯作品所具有的强烈的批判现实主义的显著特征。
2.The people s stand consists of Conception of history of dialectical materialism, writing motivation of appealing for people, firm insistence in critical realism, nationalization and popularization of aesthetic style.灌注其间的人民性思想精华表现为作者辩证唯物主义的历史观、为人民呐喊的创作动机、对批判现实主义精神的坚守、审美品格的民族化和大众化。
3.Thus it can be seen that Fang Fang s creation is deeply affected by the critical realism.由此可见,方方的创作受批判现实主义影响之深,虽然"风景"时期和"过程"时期有明显的现代主义和后现代主义色彩,但批判现实主义是方方创作的更浓郁更持久的底色。

1.Dickens is one of the greatest critical realist writer of the Victorian Age.狄更斯是伟大的批判现实主义作家。
2.This play comes under the category of critical realism.这个剧本属于批判现实主义
3.The Critical Realism View in Information Behavior Study信息行为研究中的批判现实主义视角
5.On the main characteristics of the ideological trend that criticize realestic literature in the middle of Qing Dynasty;略论清中叶批判现实主义文学思潮的主要特征
6.This novel comes under the heading of critical realism.这部小说应归人批判现实主义作品之列。
7.Hugo kept the positive romantic w ay while Balzac and some other writers turned to critical realism.雨果等坚持积极浪漫主义的道路 ,巴尔扎克等转向批判现实主义
8.Thomas Hardy (1840-1928), was a well-known English critical realist writer in the late 19th century.托马斯·哈代(1840-1928 )是英国19世纪后期杰出的批判现实主义作家。
9.Whoops break out from the Magical World--Tentatively on realistic criticism in Harry Potter;来自魔界的呐喊——试析《哈利·波特》的批判现实主义精神
10.In the Days without Wolves ──A Study on Critical Realism Spirit in Memorizing Wolves;在没有狼的日子里──论《怀念狼》的批判现实主义精神
11.On the Social Criticism of William Blake s Poem;从“天真”到“经验”——简论布莱克诗歌的批判现实主义精神
12.On Western Realists Theory of International Security;西方现实主义国际安全理论及其批判
13.Critical Philosophy and Criticism of Philosophy --On the Real Accomplishment of Philosophical Function;批判的哲学和哲学的批判——论马克思主义哲学功能的现实实现
14.criticism of the pragmatic doctrines of Hu Shi对胡适实用主义的批判
15.His realistic novel was criticized by some people.他的现实主义小说遭到了一些人的批判。
16.Criticism Is a Due Quality and Style of Realistic Literature;试论批判性是现实主义文学的应有品格
17.Critical Realistic Theme and Romantic Writing Style--Analysis of the Rocking-Horse Winner;批判现实的主题与浪漫主义表现手法——析《木摇马上的赢家》
18.Critical Realistic Theme and Romantic Writing Style ---- Analysis of the Rocking-Horse Winner;批判现实的主题与浪漫主义表现手法──析《木摇马上的赢家》

critical realist批判现实主义者
3)On Criticism of Legal Realism现实主义法学批判
4)Realist critique of traditional现实主义批判传统
5)critical cultural realism批判的文化现实主义
1.The narrative dialogue and critical cultural realism叙事的大型对话和批判的文化现实主义特征——《阿Q正传》叙事文化学研究之四
6)the sober and realistic spirit of criticism清醒的现实主义的批判精神
1.At present we should especially make great and effective effort to study and carry forward the sober and realistic spirit of criticism, the conscientious spirit of enlightenment, and the independent spirit of personality.2 1世纪的当代中国文学应该努力继承鲁迅留下的丰富遗产 ,当前尤其应在学习和弘扬鲁迅清醒的现实主义的批判精神、自觉的启蒙精神和独立的人格精神等方面作出切实而有效的努
