商鞅,Shang Yang
1)Shang Yang商鞅
1.Comparison between Reforms of Shang Yang and Reforms of Wang An-shih;商鞅变法与王安石变法的比较与差异
2.The Ecological Genes in SHANG Yang s Economic Ideology and Its Modern Enlightenment;论商鞅经济思想中的生态因子及其对当代的启迪
3.Change From Shang Yang s Law to Han Fei s Tactics;从商鞅之“法”到韩非之“术”

1.A Review of Commercial Restraint in State Qin from the Viewpoint of Ideology of Shanyang and his School;从商鞅及其学派的思想看秦国的抑商
2.A Study on the Thought of Shang Yang's Defending and Fathering Bureaucracy Delict论商鞅预防和治理官吏犯罪的思想
3.On Shang Yang’s Moralization Thought about "Good Morals and Cultivation";商鞅“德明教行”的道德教化思想论
4.Shangyang vs. Qiuju:A Thought Experiment on the Transform of the Rule of Law in China;商鞅战秋菊——法治转型的一个思想实验
5.Comparison between Reforms of Shang Yang and Reforms of Wang An-shih;商鞅变法与王安石变法的比较与差异
6.On the Reason of Fall of Qin Dynasty--the reinvestigation about political reforms introduced by Shang Yang;秦亡观阐微——对商鞅变法的再探讨
7.《Lao Zi》5000 Words Was a Reaction against Shang Yang Bian Fa;《老子》五千言是对商鞅变法的逆动(下)
8.On Shang Yang’s innovation from the angle of the legality crisis;商鞅改革成败论:合法性危机的视角
9.Ideas of Management of Society Control in ShangYang's Legislative Concepts商鞅法律思想中的社会控制理论管见
10."Law" and "Government by Law"--Shang Yang's Legal Thought“法”与“法治”:商鞅法律思想解读
11.Shangluo Municipality Perched on the southeast of Shaanxi, historically it was the fiefdom of Sang Yang, a reformer.商洛市位于陕西东南部,是历史上商鞅的封地。
12.In view of this, we must be consicious clearly of the objective fact that historical Shan-gYang and coded ShangYang exist simultaneously.有鉴于此,我们必须清醒地意识到历史的商鞅与符号化的商鞅同时存在的这样一个客观事实。
13.From "governance by law" to "governance by morality" is the logical sequence of Shang Yang's theory about law.从“法治”到“德治”,这是商鞅法学理论的逻辑过程,也是商鞅法学理论的全部内涵。
14.All up to the Fa School: Legal Thoughts of Shangyang and Hanfei;成也法家,败也法家——商鞅、韩非法治思想异同论
15.Analysis of the Criminal Psychology of the School of Shang Yang;以刑去刑:商鞅学派的预防犯罪心理学分析
16.Shang Yang s Thought on Popularizing Laws and Its Enlightenment to Law Construction of China;商鞅的普法思想及其对我国法治建设的启示
17.Shangyang s Legal Thoughts and the Cultivation of the Citizens Legal Consciousness;商鞅的法律思想对公民法律意识培养的启示
18.Shang Yang s Keeping Bureaucracy away Crime and It s Inspiration;商鞅关于防范官吏犯罪的思想及其启示

1.Shangyang s Legal Thoughts and the Cultivation of the Citizens Legal Consciousness;商鞅的法律思想对公民法律意识培养的启示
2.A Comparison of Shangyang and Solun Legal Thought;商鞅与梭伦法制思想之比较
3.Shangyang s Legislation Theories and Their Realistic Function;商鞅法治思想及其现实效用
3)Shang Yang legalists商鞅法家
1.Shang Yang legalists,aware of the objective reality of profit-driven human nature,abandoned humanity and justice and turned to humanities which is law-centred,and proposed the moralization thought of good morals and cultivation.商鞅法家认识到人性逐利的客观现实,摈弃仁义而转向以法度为中心的人文,提出了"德明教行"的道德教化思想。
4)Political Reforms Introduced by Shang Yang商鞅变法
1.On the Reason of Fall of Qin Dynasty--the reinvestigation about political reforms introduced by Shang Yang;秦亡观阐微——对商鞅变法的再探讨
5)Shang Yang's innovation商鞅改革
6)Shangyang is deathless商鞅不死
