美学风格,aesthetic style
1)aesthetic style美学风格
1.In the long\|time course of historical development it has formed its own specific aesthetic style.淮安菜是中国淮扬菜系的重要组成部分,具有深厚的文化积淀,在长期的历史发展过程中,形成了独特的美学风格
2.This thesis tries to analyze and conclude six kinds of aesthetic style of the emotional appealing ads language, and we find this kind of language is more effective than these plain rationa.广告语言因此在整体上呈现出一种辞藻华丽,婉约而又豪放的美学风格,并不失幽默风趣,向读者传达了深刻又富有哲理的含义。
3.There are two different lyric patterns and relevant aesthetic styles in The 19 Ancient Poetries.《古诗十九首》有两种不同的抒情方式和相应的美学风格 :一、回环往复、委婉曲折的抒情方式及其委婉含蓄、低回要妙的审美风格 ;二、平铺直叙的抒情方式及其直率慷慨的美学风格

1.On Changes of Aesthetical Styles in Western Modernist Literature;论西方现代主义文学美学风格的变迁
2.Fashionable Aesthetics: Perceptually-Existed Aesthetics and Mass Diameter;时尚美学:感性存在的美学风格与大众向度
3.Aesthetic Style of Poems by Niu Han in Relation to"July Style"and"Nine Leaves Style牛汉诗歌的美学风格与"七月"、"九叶"诗派
4.The Aestbetic Styles and Formation of Tujia Woodcut Craft;土家族木雕艺术的形制及其美学风格
5.On the aesthetic style of Cao Wenxuan s initiation stories;曹文轩成长小说乡土抒情的美学风格
6.On the Grieved Solemnness and Aesthetic Style of “A Collection of Ninteen Ancient Poems”;试论《古诗十九首》悲凉的美学风格
7.Greatness in Trivialness,Beauty in Honesty--Ding Su-qing The Aesthetics Style of the Floor Upstairs;以小见大 以诚现美——丁肃清《楼上楼》的美学风格
8.Balance between Criticism and Subversion--Probe into Aesthetic Style of French Animation批判与颠覆中的平衡美——法国动画美学风格探析
9.His calligraphy exhibited aesthetic style of combinations of inner and outer qualities and of inner and outer beauties.其书作亦表现出质妍互重、韵兼并的美学风格
10.Simple and Grandeur: the Aesthetic Style of Opera in Yuan-Ming-Qing Dynasties;素朴与华丽:元明清戏曲美学风格嬗变研究
11.Historicism Aesthetic Style of Duobao Stupa of Guangde Temple in Xiangfan;襄樊广德寺多宝佛塔的历史主义美学风格
12.Genre and Super-genre:the Commercial Aesthetic Style of Chinese Blockbusters;类型与超类型:国产大片的商业美学风格
13.Gentleness and Sincerity is not Poetic Ethics--Test and analysis of esthetics style of The Book of Songs;温柔敦厚,非诗教也——《诗经》美学风格的考辨
14.The Implication of the Transformation of Aesthetic Style in Chinese Classics;中国古代经典小说美学风格的变换及其意蕴
15.The Aesthetic Style of the Southern Dynasty Landscape s Poetry and It s Reason Research;南朝山水诗的美学风格及形成原因初探
16.Probe into Cause of Formation of Rambling Aesthetic Style According to on Shi Shuo Xin Yu by Zong Baihua;从宗白华论《世说新语》看散步式美学风格的形成
17.Bright distress--on esthetic style of stories written by Xiao Hong and Chi Zijian;明丽的忧伤——浅论萧红、迟子建小说的美学风格
18.The Influence of Cultural Factors on Learning Styles between Sino-American Students文化因素对中美学生学习风格的影响

aesthetics style美学风格
1.There were also real herotic comedies and extolled comedies,the sad in the happy,and the happy in the sad,there was aesthetics style in the tragicomedies,it was a group of people with the aid of characters from the plays to give vent to their sad feelings,it was a art shape of dramatists who were at the bottom of the society at that time,those were the impacted sparks of the dassic.从戏剧美学的角度观照 ,元杂剧三国戏中有典型的英雄悲剧 ,也有真正的英雄喜剧与歌颂喜剧 ,并且能悲中寓喜 ,喜中有悲 ,具有悲喜交集的美学风格 ,这是那个时代士人群体沉郁苦闷的人生悲剧借助历史人物的心理宣泄 ,是元剧家们在沉入社会下层的人生境遇中所吸取的民间三国故事中孕含的富有理想色彩的乐观主义精神的艺术投影 ,是经典文化与大众文化相碰撞的火花在元代文化土壤结出的艺术果实 ,这种美学风格大大扩展了元代三国戏的审美张力 ,也增加了其文化意蕴与审美价值。
3)esthetics style美学风格
1.Gentleness and Sincerity is not Poetic Ethics——Test and analysis of esthetics style of The Book of Songs;温柔敦厚,非诗教也——《诗经》美学风格的考辨
2.Wang Anyi Hong Kong s Sentiment and Love,in the character establishes,in the plot arrangement Love of the Beautiful Woman has the similarity with Zhang Ailing,however,because two woman of letters different lives realize from experience with the different esthetics style,causes their work in-depth implication difference finally.王安忆的《香港的情和爱》在人物设置、情节安排上都与张爱玲的《倾城之恋》有相似之处,然而由于两位女作家不同的生命体悟和不同的美学风格,最终导致她们的作品在深层意蕴上的不同。
3.The Japanese and US two super animations manufacture the great nation,in the animation manufacture technique,the plot,music dubbing,specially in esthetics style has the v.日美两个超级动画制作大国,在动画的制作手法、故事情节、音乐配音,特别是美学风格上都有很大的差别。
4)aesthetical style美学风格
5)esthetic style美学风格
1.Bright distress——on esthetic style of stories written by Xiao Hong and Chi Zijian;明丽的忧伤——浅论萧红、迟子建小说的美学风格
6)Violence aesthetic style暴力美学风格

阿拉伯风格曲  阿拉伯风格原指阿拉伯建筑中花巧的装饰图案。在音乐上,阿拉伯风格曲指旋律富于装饰的作品。R.舒曼(作品18)、C.德彪西等的阿拉伯风格曲是一种带有幻想性、即兴性的抒情特性曲。